Random Imagine, Part #1.

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If you could read the A/N at the end I would love you for that. also, this isn't creative writing, it is an imagine.

I stand and watch the rain pour down. Pattering onto the window in front of me, creating a somewhat soothing rhythm for me to listen to. I reach out my palm and touch the cool glass. As soon as my warm palms touch the window it sends shivers shooting down my arms. I love the feeling. After the feeling of the shiver has disappeared from my arm I place my forehead on the glass, the cold bouncing off of the window and onto my clammy forehead.

The electrifying coolness coming off the double glazed window suppresses little drops of sweat that are appearing kindly on my forehead. I remove my eyes from their position of just staring into space. I move them onto the little orbs of condensation that my thick breath has created. My finger takes itself up to the fading circles and rubs them out, making a screeching noise as I do so. My vision is clear and I can see the rain thoroughly, random puddles appearing as the cause of the rainfall from the skies above.

I take my attention to the sky, which, to my dismay, is covered in heavy black clouds. Looming over the city like hunters stalking its prey. Moving steadily around and dropping millions of water droplets all over the place.

A small sigh escapes my faded lips. The repetitive sound of the droplets becoming moderately disturbing. In the short space of nine seconds the peaceful raindrops turn into tiny harsh fists, beating away at my window. The sudden change in volume scares me and my bare feet take a step away from the window.

My oversized jumper making me feel unthinkably small as I look down and notice that my hands have been swallowed by the holes in the sleeves of my sweater. I crinkle my eyebrows together and pull my arms out of my sleeves. Placing my hands by my side and tapping my index finger and my thumb against my thigh. The slightly thick material of my dull black leggings stopping my fingers from making contact with my skin, which is now covered in goose bumps.

As the rain comes to a complete stop I wander back over to the window and unlock it. The sound of the key turning in the lock is another thing I find oddly fascinating. Eventually, the window unlocks, swinging freely open. I lean out of the window and smell the wet pavement. I smile widely. After a few minutes I shut the window and lock it again. Tucking my hands back into my sweater and turning around, being met face to face with...

**Next part coming soon:). Also, sorry if this is dodgy, I wrote this at half one in the morning.**

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