Random Sad Imagine.

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**if you could comment what you think of this i would be really happyyyyyy:)**

I walk into the strange room once again. Being encountered by a few different people. Or should I say strangers. I never know what to expect when I walk in. I always imagine every time to be different, for us to talk about different things or to laugh about different jokes but, nothing seems clear anymore.

The large, quick paced man stops at a halt and I stand beside him. Scanning around the open space. He scans the room, looking for Jack. I do the same, wanting to find him and get sat down. "Miss." His monotone voice calls out; he elevates his arm and points towards Jack. "Mr. Johnson requested a different table for today." He explains as he walks me over to where Jack is placed. "Usually, we wouldn't allow this, but considering you frequently visit we let him off, just for this week." I solemnly nod, not knowing what to say. As we arrive at the table, Jack looks up at me and my heart sinks. I stand still, admiring his facial features.

His blond hair, now tussled and untidy. His brown eyes, usually glowing and soft, now sharp and tired. His skin seems to have gotten pale, when I saw him last week his skin was well and hydrated, this week all I have is a pale, blank canvas.

My eyes travel around the room, looking at everyone sitting around, chatting to each other.

I then realise that I'm still stood up, wasting time that only comes in precious amounts. I smile at the man who brought me over and take my seat opposite Jack. I place my bag in the seat next to me, then proceeding to place my hands on the table, near Jack's.

I look to my right, seeing a plastic cup of coffee. No evident wisps of steam coming from the 'supposedly' hot drink. I take the cup and take a swig of coffee. My mouth quivering with the sour taste of cheap coffee. I place the cup back down and leave it be, not wanting any more of the stale liquid. "They need to do something about the coffee." I pipe up, not really knowing how to start off a conversation. It's always awkward actually; I don't find the time here pleasurable or comfortable anymore. I clear my throat, realising Jack's head is hung low, his thumbs fiddling with one another. I always take note when he does this.

I wait for an answer from him, a sarcastic remark, a sly answer or maybe even another conversation starter. As usual, I get none of those. All I get is a downcast look.

I wait five minutes; sometimes silence is the best conversation starter.

Ten minutes passes, then fifteen.. Eventually I give up.

"Jack. C'mon." I snap, "You're being ridiculous." The anger evident in my voice.

My sudden outbreak causes his head to raise slightly, his eyes boring into my own. As soon as I see his face I feel guilty, "I'm sorry." I speak, inching my hand closer to his, not making any sudden movements towards him. "I just don't want the time to be wasted again." I bite the inside of my cheek. The situation all of a sudden becoming real. The taste of blood pops in my mouth and the salty taste fails to go away. He manages to keep his gaze fixated on me so I smile towards him. Taking his hands in mine the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile.

Seeing him smile makes my heart a skip a beat, I throw my head back and smile proudly. Tears escaping my eyes. It seems like it's been forever since I've seen his smile and seeing it now makes me feel so lucky. I squeeze his hands and bring them up to my lips, kissing his knuckles. Feeling lucky to be holding him once again. I take his hands away and let go. "I just miss you so much. All of you." Jack speaks.

I nod, "We all miss you too. I miss you too." I say quietly, looking straight at him.

The question of time pops into my head and I scan the room for a clock. A large, circular white clock sits on the main wall. I take note of the time and look back at Jack.

"I don't stop worrying about you y'know." Jack smiles. Huffing at the end of his sentence. "Every day, I wake up and think of you and then go to bed thinking of you. I think about how your day went, I think about what you did, I think about what you have planned for the day ahead of you." He stops, I mentally beg him to keep going, to not waste the rest of our time. My tears haven't yet subsided and they wont until I leave. "Do you know what I worry about the most?" He whispers. His own eyes becoming glossy.

I swallow back the lump that has formed heavily in my throat and wipe away a tear, "What?" I ask him, placing my hands back on top of his.

He wraps his fingers around my hands; his fingers feel cold, too cold. My brows furrow at this but Jack's voice snaps the worry from my mind. "I worry that you'll stop." He shakes his head, as if the thought pains him. "I worry that one day you will stop caring about me. That you'll stop seeing me. That my stupid mistake means that you'll be locked out of my life. That I'll be waiting here and you won't show up. I worry that I'm going to become another memory. I'm worried that you'll find something better to do with your time and that I'll just be another face that you can't put a name to."

I shake my head violently, the fact that that's what Jack's thoughts consist of pain me. "Jack.." I trail off. "You know that that would never happen. You know that I will always be thinking of you and that when I can I will be sat here, with you, drinking this shitty coffee." This causes Jack to smile and I retaliate on his actions by giving off a subtle giggle. "I love you so much." I whisper. Leaning over the table and giving him a hug. He immediately wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his face into my neck. Breathing in deeply, I feel a soft tear hit the warm skin on my neck. His tears cause my tears to fall and before I know it we're getting ripped apart by the guards. Jack's hands getting forced behind his back, snapped into handcuffs. "No." I state. My arm getting tugged at by one of the security men. "No, you don't understand! He wasn't hurting me!" I shout. Causing unwanted attention to come our way. Jack stays silent, his face plain but tears continuing to fall. The guards are ruff with him; they drag him out towards the exit doors of the hall.

I turn to the person to my left, the same guy who brought me in. "Please. Just let me say goodbye to him." I whisper, my words getting muffled by the cracks in my voice. "Jack!" I shout, trying to unleash myself from their grasp but nothing works. They have a firm grip on my arm and I am going nowhere. The last thing I see is Jack's orange jumpsuit disappearing behind two large sliding doors.

A sob escapes my lips as I pull myself from their grasp. Looking around at everyone who is staring at me. I sigh and turn around, exiting the prison.

The heavy shame hanging hard on my shoulders as I walk to my car. Looking around at the large grey building. The tears still managing to fall.

I wonder whether I will be allowed to go back and visit him, whether they will let him see me anymore. The question refuses to leave my head and I'm left wondering why Jack was stupid enough to get himself locked up in there in the first place.

a/n: this is about jack johnson lol. give this a vote because i worked hard on this one ahaha:')

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