Creative Writing!

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The wind is soft, like a mother caressing her child's' cheek. The grass sways softly, maybe off the sea breeze. In the grass are hundreds of little insects, scurrying in and out of the blades. Water calm, lapping up the parched sand as it meets with the shore. The clouds float by, not seeming to move much, only being pushed slightly by the breeze that sways the grass.

She sits and twists her auburn hair around her fingers, observing nature's actions whilst doing so. Four days. Four days she's been here. Sat wondering what will happen next. Occasionally, she'll speak to herself. Question herself about why she let herself come here. Her words are slurred though, slurred with tiredness. She often confuses herself; she has no track of time, date.. She picks at things, flowers, grass, anything that she can reach. Nights sleep have been wasted, lying staring at the stars that shimmer in the night sky above her. When she gets bored she starts thinking about her family. Do they miss her? Or were they the ones who sent her to this unexplainable island in the first place?

As another day's passed she's still sat there, in the exact same place as she was yesterday. Hasn't closed her eyes once, all just weary blinks. Her hair falls onto her pale, sandy face but the wind kindly pushes it back. Blades of grass around her have been torn from the ground in sudden rushes of anger as she thinks of people, people she's missing when she knows they're probably not missing her.

For the first time in five days she gets up and stretches her legs. Taking a quick glance at the horizon before her legs give way and she meets back with the scorched sand. On her back she watches the sky. Listening to the wind take leaves on a journey that could go on for days. Finally, after five days, her eyes become weaker and eventually, she falls asleep.

Gradually, she sits up and looks around. Everything has been swarmed in darkness. Everything is covered in a cloak of black, the absence of colour evident. Nothing can be seen. As she slowly sits up she rubs her hair, feeling the grease come off on her fingertips.

Now, as she's steady, she stands. Grabbing onto anything she can to get her balance. Now that she's stood up she can see the moonlight reflecting off a pool of glittering diamonds.

She stumbles over towards the pool, leaning down and looking into it. A section of the pool has the reflection of the bright moonlight, she looks at herself. At her eyes, her lips. The lips that were bright in colour and high in pigment now chapped and discolored. How she longs for the days where her lips would look full and deep in crimson. Eyes with bags underneath, her eyeliner smudged down her cheeks. She's a mess. Taking her hand she leisurely pulls it through the clear water, getting chills at the feel of something other than dry grass and sand. When she finally processes that she has access to water she cups up the water and gulps it down. Taking more and more of the crystal clear water to re-hydrate herself with. When she's satisfied she stops, running her cool hands over her flustered face.

A dark cloud tumbles through the sky, blocking the moonlight and locking it away. Cutting away all of her light sources. Now she sits in the darkness by the sea. Listening to the water being swallowed by the cracks in the rocks is comforting to her. Now she lies down next to the sea, shutting her eyes once more, now she's back to normal.

**right I know this was totally out of order, this isn't what I usually post at all but I really enjoyed writing this. Most of this, actually, all of this I did in my English lessons but thought it would be nice. Maybe I can continue it if any one is interested?:') hahaha, anyway, everyone good? In the Christmas spirit? 5+ votes for the next preference!:D**

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