Preference 71- Cold Nights.

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Cold Nights:

Louis: The radiator rumbles as it tries to project as much heat as possible into the still room. You both lay still in each others grasp, sharing bodily heat. Your teeth chatter as the cold air bites away at your exposed flesh. The blanket fell off ages ago but neither of you could be bothered to fix it. After a while you finally sit up and pull the blanket over yours and Louis's body. The warmth quickly fills the trapped space inside the blanket and that puts a smile on your face. Louis just lies with his eyes closed as you re-position yourself into his body. Letting the warm air lull him to sleep.

Zayn: The TV switches off with a click and the room is quickly filled with unnecessary silence. The cold air whisking around you makes the shudder rise up and part your lips. Zayn takes note and turns his head towards you, smirking. "Cold?" He jokes. Obviously already knowing the answer.

You turn to him and leave your face expressionless, without saying a word you move over to where he is sitting on the couch and wrap your arms around him. It doesn't take him long to throw an arm over your shoulder and kiss your forehead. The chill in the air subsides and the warmth from Zayn's chest is enough to send you to sleep.

Liam: As Liam pulls the car into the driveway of your shared house you stare at the raindrops that are racing down the window. The sound of the tiny little drops bouncing off of the tin roof makes you shudder. Liam takes the keys out and inspects the conditions outside. Your eyes wander down to the ground outside where the rain is bouncing off the ground.

"Shall we just make a run for it?" Liam questions. You snap your eyes up from the pavement and turn to face Liam, your head nodding ever so slightly. Without hesitation, Liam opens the door and runs up the driveway to the house. You wait until he is safely inside and then do the same. As soon as you shut your door your hair sticks to your forehead. As you jog up the driveway you can hear the car locking, the small raindrops hurt as they land on your face, considering they're coming down with great speed. It's not just raining though, it's freezing cold. As your feet plant themselves on your 'welcome' mat you laugh. Looking at Liam, his t-shirt sticking to him. Unfortunately, you brought the cold in with you and it's enough to make you shiver. Liam takes note and grabs a blanket, coming back towards you and wrapping you up in it.

Niall: Cracks and snaps are heard from the bonfire in front of you. The warmth from the fire bouncing off of you and Niall. Both of you have managed to squeeze onto one camping chair. Niall chuckles at how stupid you both must look huddled into a ball on a small camping chair. The late night air chills you both down to the bone, your hands are entangled in one another but still manage to get cold.

You look at the small, orange flakes off ash that blow up into the dark, night sky. When there's a subtle breeze, more than one little piece blows up and it's simply memorizing. But, when there is no breeze, all you can concentrate on is Niall's warm breath on your neck and the chill that is numbing you both. The sounds of the night start to slowly come out and take yours and Niall's minds off of the cold air. Every few minutes Niall would kiss the spot under your ear and wrap the blanket tighter around you both.

After a while of pointless conversations you stand up from Niall and go into the kitchen to hunt down some marshmallows to toast.

Harry: You feel the radiator in your bedroom one last time and there's still no heat coming from it. "You have to be kidding me." You grumble, bending down to check if you actually turned the dial up. Your stomach sinks when you see that the dial is all the way up and your bedroom is still freezing. "Harry." You shout, he's sat downstairs watching TV.

"Yeah?" He shouts back to you, you can't be bothered to shout anymore so you grab both of your pillows and blankets and take them downstairs. "We're sleeping down here tonight."

Harry's eyebrows furrow as you hand him his pillow. "Any reason?.." He asks curiously.

"The heater's broken." You sigh, taking in the warm air that's downstairs. Harry shrugs and you sit down, him wrapping the blanket around you both. "Fair enough." He smiles, kissing your head. "I'll fix it in the morning." He whispers, grabbing the remote that controls all the lights in the living room and turning them off. "Goodnight." You say to him as you snuggle into him further. He gives you one last kiss, "Goodnight."

**aw the feels. so the next preference that I will be uploading will be a tfios one. no, not based on tfios, it's like you go to see it at the movies or you read the book or something. so yeah, thank you for reading! give it a vote and a cheeky comment if you want to♡**

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