Preference 26- He Yells At You, (PART TWO).

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He Yells At You, (PART TWO):

Louis: You haven't moved from your spot on the floor. Sulking heavily into your hands about what happened between you and Louis earlier. Hours have probably passed; you've just sat there and wondered what you did wrong. You feel your eyelids starting to get heavy and soon enough you're asleep.

"(Y/N)?" Someone's shaking your shoulder, trying to get you to wake up. "What are you doing? Is there a fire?" You turn your head around to see if there's any damage or smoke but there's nothing. When you turn your head back around you're faced with Louis' blue eyes. "I thought you left?" You mutter, turning your head away from him and looking at the floor, fiddling with a loose thread on the hem of your shirt.

He sighs next to you and pulls you into him, "I am so sorry."

"It's okay. I know you've been stressed I just don't get why you took it out on me." You look away from him again and start fiddling with your fingers.

"I don't know either. Do you accept my apology?" His eyes stare into yours, his eyes glowing with sorrow. Solemnly you nod your head, "Of course."

Zayn: He said he stopped. You think to yourself as you wander around the isles of food aimlessly. Not actually buying anything just thinking to yourself. "Excuse me?" A little perky voice asks from beside you, "Yes?" You ask, looking at her, catching a glimpse of her bracelet, 'I <3 1D' written all over. You sigh, knowing what was coming next. "I know you're (Y/N), and everything but Zayn's wondering how long you'll be?"

What? Getting a fan to do all the talking for him, no way. "I'm sorry that he told you to do all this, but if he wants to speak to me he can come and talk to me himself." You turn away, going back to looking for food. "Okay..." She mumbles before walking away. You feel sorry for her. She goes up to him asking him for a picture and he asks her to say sorry for him? Immature. All these words and thoughts going around in your head. "(Y/N)," Someone shouts from the end of the isle. You turn your head and see Zayn running towards you, you start walking away, not wanting to speak to him. "Oi, (Y/N)." He shouts again, catching up with you and grabbing your wrist, "why won't you speak to me?"

"Maybe because you won't actually come and speak to me yourself that's why."

You try to pull away but he pulls you back into him for a hug, "I'm really sorry."

"You said you'd stopped Zayn. If you have a problem with everything, or me just speak to me. I'd much rather you talk to me about it than poison yourself. I promise I'll do my best to help you with everything and I won't be annoying..."

He smiles at you, his brown eyes looking directly into yours. "Thank you." He hugs you close again, kissing your cheek. "I'm sorry if I upset you." You smile to yourself, giving Zayn a squeeze letting him know you're going to be there for him 24/7.

Liam: (Liam technically apologized in the first part so there's nothing to write about.)

Niall: "(Y/N)," You walk faster, "(Y/N)." Niall shouts after you again. You ignore him. Even though you should be the one apologizing he deserved what he got. "(Y/N), will you just listen to me?"

"Nope." You mumble to yourself. Unlocking the car and getting in the drivers side. Niall gets in the other side and tries to snatch the keys out of your hand, "Do you want to pack it in? Bloody hell Niall."

"I think you need to say something to me." He explains pointing to his cheek.

You look at it and smile, "Oh no, I'm not the one who caused that to happen am I?" You ask him, with a sarcastic tone in your voice.

He turns your face to look at him, his cheek starting to go bright red, "Was it because I shouted at you?"

"Yes Niall it is." You say, trying not to make eye contact because you know you'll just want to hug him and hear him laugh and see him smile. "well, princess, I am so sorry. It's just been a long time since I've been out with the boys and I just wanted to you know... stay for a bit longer."

You nod, knowing that you shouldn't of been a kill joy... "And I'm sorry for..." You take your hand and cup the cheek you slapped before, "that." You whisper. Nearly in tears as Niall flinches when you put your hand on his cheek. "I really am sorry." You whisper, as a tear silently falls down your plump, rose cheeks.

"It's okay. I shouldn't of yelled at you." He leans in and kisses you. Knowing that both of you have forgave each other.

Harry: "I can't do that." Harry says as he walks in and shuts the door behind him, only three minutes since he left. "I can't leave you, you're right. Why would I want to spend time with them when I'm going to be with them for the next seven months.. I'm so selfish."

You look at him, you can tell that he feels guilty for what he said, "I'm just going to miss you..." You hush as he comes over to you and takes you in his arms.

"I'm going to miss you too. I want to spend the rest of the time I have here, with you." You look at him, his eyes glossy with tears. "I don't want you to leave though." You say, tears escaping your own eyes.

"Then maybe..." He smiles at you, his eyes lighting up.

You get the jist of what he's going to say, "I can..."

"COME WITH ME!" He finishes, picking you up and spining you around then he kisses you. "That way we won't have to leave each other."

**Okay, so. Wow. A LOT of people requested a part two and that was just amazing to see. Thank you! I'm thinking of doing a tour series, like you help him pack, he leaves for tour, you visit him, you have skype dates then finally he comes home. Something like that? Does that sound good? Tell me if so because I think it would be fun to write! 4+votes for the next one!**

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