Preference 57- Midnight Memories. (HIS POV.)

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Midnight Memories - His Pov:

Louis: Ever since he left her she's been broken. I've been sitting here for six hours, litstening to her pour out memories of them both. This isnt what she needs, she doesnt want to reminise about a guy who cheated on her, broke her heart. "oi." I stop her mid sentence. She just looks at me, a tear half way down her cheek so I wipe it away for her. "thanks." she mumbles. Not looking up from her mug of coffee, fourth may I add. "just forget about him, what's the point in crying over someone who didn't even care about you? I know it's harsh but, why cry about him when you can be moving on and thinking about someone else." Just saying those words to her makes her cry again. "Oh c'mon (Y/N)." I say to her, pulling a stupid face, as soon as she sees she laughs, the sides of her face stretching up into a grin. "there we go." I say softly, wrapping her in a hug. - song: Through The Dark, lyrics: "I remember you laughing, so let's laugh again."

Zayn: As we stumble out into the dark street, only lit by moonlight and the fading streetlights, we belt the lyrics to some songs. Not bothering who can hear us because it's safe to say, we're a little bit drunk. Stumbling around, tripping over each other. But then (Y/N) sits down on the curb, still singing the lyrics to a song that was previously playing in the house they just left. I still stand up, trying to figure out where the taxi is going to be. "C'monnnnnnnn" I slur. I pull her back up to her feet, she slings her arm around the back of my neck. I hold on tightly to her wrist. I know I'm totally drunk at this minute but I still want her to be safe. - song: Midnight Memories, lyrics: "baby you and me, stumbling in the streets just singing."

Liam: I sit and stare at my emails. Waiting for the noise and the highlighted box to pop up on my screen, a message from (Y/N) that I've been longing for the past three days. I've spoken to my friends, not the boys, friends from home, telling them about her. About how much I miss her. When I said it I sounded so cheesy but I really don't care. Right now I'm feeling lost, lost without her smile. Her smile every now and again to reassure me. I've cried but then realised crying isn't going to bring her to me. I'm on the other side of the world, without her. She sleeps whilst I sit and worry about her. I know she's not coping well either, in the short phone calls I've been able to have with her she's cried. Her voice shook the line whilst I kept my cool, then as soon as the line was disconnected I broke down. - song: Half A Heart, lyrics: "bet my friends been telling you I'm not doing much better, cause I'm missing half of me."

Niall: It was all untrue. All untrue. Every word I spoke, nothing was correct. Every morining when she had her morning shower I would get my daily call from managment, telling me what to do and what to say. I hated every minute of it, but I couldn't end it. I wanted to stop the scripting, I wanted to show her who I really was. I wanted to show her the real me and let her have a proper conversation about her, but it was all too late. Managment ruined it for me. I was going to go and speak to management whilst she went shopping with her friends but they told me to go with her. Did I want to? Course not. I was holding her back with everything I did. I wasn't letting her have any freedom. Managment told her about everything, about the phonecalls. About everything, I wanted to cry and shout. But most of all I wanted to talk to her and show her the real me. Not the Niall who'd been put together by managment. song: Something Great, lyrics: "the script was written and I could not change a thing, I wanted to rip it all to shreds and start again."

Harry: People tell me she's holding me back, people try to tell me to end it. I dont listen. I don't want to do what they say. When I rehearse I try to pretend she's there, front row, watching me, cheering me on. But instead she's asleep back at home. The thought kills me, I can't ring her if I want a chat, and if she wants one she can't ring me because I'll be asleep. It's awful. I've lost an awful lot of confidence too. Everyday I've had a cry to myself, when I've been in the shower or something. I hate it. I hate not being with her. Not being able to hold her when I'm feeling down. I tried it with Niall it didn't work. But the thing that's hurting me the most is that before I left, at the airport in the morning she told me something. She told me something so important and I didnt say it back. She's at home thinking I dont love her. But I do, God I really do. - song: Strong, lyrics: "cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker, is that so wrong?"

**OH MY GOSH. MIDNIGHT MEMORIES IS PERFECT. I'm in love with them all:') I thought it would be a good idea for a pref so I wrote this:') I know it's not one of my best but I kind of like it. They're all totally different from each other and I think that's cool. Everyone okay? And does anyone live in the north east of england? if you do comment because i'd like to see if anyone's going to metro radio live!:D 9+votes for the next preference!:D**

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