Preference 26- He Yells At You, (LOUIS,ZAYN&LIAM).

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He Yells At You, (LOUIS,ZAYN&LIAM):

Louis: "I've just had a bad day (Y/N). Just leave me alone." He shrugs you off again. You groan, that being the fourth time he's pushed you away when all you want to do is help him. "Louis, I'm only trying to help." Walking towards him you place a hand on his shoulder. "(Y/N), I need some space." You think he's just going to walk away again but he doesn't. He turns around so his face is inches away from yours, "FOR GOD SAKE!" Instinctively you back away.

"I'm sorry." You start. Holding onto the settee, your knuckles going white.

He moves closer towards you, "Just stop being so clingy for once, I need to do things by myself sometimes. You always want to know what's going on and you're nose is always in my business. I'M TIRED OF IT AND YOU!" He moves back away, his cheeks turning a dark red. Tears are already making their way down your cheeks and he notices, "Of course, you always find a way to bring the problem back to you don't you? Just cry and expect me to come over to you and apologize? Not this time (Y/N). Sorry." He picks up his jacket and walks out of the house, leaving you to sulk to yourself.

Zayn: You stretch once more, trying to reach the jacket on the top shelf of the wardrobe. You jump up and grab the arm of the jacket. Successfully pulling it down from the shelf but bringing something else down with it. "What?" You whisper, not believing what just landed at your feet. A box of cigarettes. "ZAYN!" You holler. He trots up the stairs and comes into the bedroom, seeing your jacket and the box of cigarettes on the floor. He huffs then goes and picks them up. "Why can't you just keep out of my things?!" He slams the doors shut then looks you dead in the eyes, "That's my wardrobe!" You retort. "Zayn, I thought you stopped."

"I NEED THEM BECAUSE OF YOU! You drive me round the bend and make me so stressed, that's why I need them! If you lay off and give me some space I might not need them anymore."

"Okay then, I'll just get out of your way to make you feel more at ease then." You fake smile at him then walk out of the bedroom then out of the house.

Liam: "JUST SHUT UP (Y/N)!" Liam yells. This is the first time Liam's yelled at you, you're trying to get him to tell you about his day. After all you're just being polite. "Liam, I only asked if-"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" He shouts again, slamming the fridge door shut. The contents inside of it rattling around. Something smashing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You say backing away, running up to you're bedroom.

You sit there for a few minutes, thinking about what you did wrong. Was he getting annoyed with you? Well it was obvious because he shouted at you for no reason. Mid thought Liam interrupts you. He gently pushes the door open. "Have you come up here just to shout at me again?" You ask sarcastically. "No, and I'm really sorry. I don't know why I shouted at you. I just messed up a bit at sound check earlier and I just feel a bit pressured and rubbish." He comes to sit next to you. Draping his arm over your shoulder and bringing him into you, "Sorry I was being annoying." You say.

"You weren't I was just being an idiot." He turns your head to make you look at him and kisses you. "Forgiven." You smile.

**I'll do the other two tomorrow. I kind of ran out of ideas but they'll come to me sometime through the day! Haha. There's been a spur of reads through the day, thank you! I need some more ideas for preferences so if anyone has any requessssst them! LUFF YOU ALL 6+votes for the next part!**

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