Preference 20- You Come Home Crying, (LIAM AND NIALL)

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You Come Home Crying, (LIAM AND NIALL)

Liam: You went to visit your brother for his birthday and you were excited, now that you're back you're devastated. As soon as you got there he was acting totally different, he had a massive group of friends over and was constantly with his girlfriend. He wasn't paying any attention to you. You paid over three thousand pounds to fly over there and get a place to stay. You were expecting your brother to be happy to see you. All he did was give you a tour of his house then he went out with his girlfriend. You spent most of the time in your hotel because every time you asked your brother to go out somewhere, he would pass down the opportunity. You swung open the door of the apartment and dumped your suitcase on the floor. Liam walks through from the kitchen with a smile on his face. Until he sees the odd tear making its way down your face his expression changes. "What's the matter? Did you not have a good time?" He asks you as he makes his way towards you, to give you a hug. You shake your head as he cradles you, "I thought he would have been happy to see me, it was the total opposite. I tried to spend some time with him then he would just go out with his girlfriend. I probably said six words to him out of the whole ten days I was there. I hate him." You whisper the last three words. Not meaning them but you're mad and jet lagged. "Don't say that. He's probably just getting used to his new house and friends." He rubs circles on your back while you think things over. "I don't want to go back though." You say. Still sobbing. Liam sits you down on the settee and lets you think things through. Two hours later you're sat watching some stupid TV show, only because you're trying to keep yourself awake. Liam comes down the stairs and looks at you, you're eyes are heavy and you're almost asleep. "Come on, I'll take you up to bed." He says picking you up. "Thanks." You whisper. Half way up the stairs you fall asleep.

Niall: Half way through your football training someone's foot collided with your ankle and you've been left in excruciating pain. Your friend noticed straight away and asked you if you need someone to pick you up. Niall was out at the recording studio so you had to walk all the way home. On a snapped ankle. When you get home Niall's sat casually on the settee watching the rugby match he has on record. "Niall can you help me?" You whimper. Niall's head turns around to see your face all puffy from crying and your yellow football socks a little red with blood. "What happened?" He asks you as he runs over to take you into the bathroom. As soon as you get into the bathroom he lifts you onto the counter. He takes your sock off and inspects your foot. "Jesus it's swollen." He mutters under his breath. He tries to move it around to get a better look but that just causes you pain. "Did nobody stop to help you?!" He says, quite annoyed that you had to walk home on a snapped ankle. "No. People were looking at me but nobody said anything to me." You say truthfully. He lifts you down off the counter and carries you out to the car, "Niall where are we going?" You ask him as he sits you in the car. "To get your foot checked out." He answers plainly. You drive there and tell him what happened, how you thought that he was at work so you walked home, when you say this his looks at you out of the corner of his eye. "Why didn't you just ring me princess? If I was at work I still would of came to get you." You huff, "my phone was in the house." Niall continues to drive you to the hospital where you find out that you have broken your ankle. You get a cast on it and Niall helps you around the house and helps you do everything that needs to be done.

**I'm running out of ideas, so someone comment an idea for why you're crying and i'll dedicate the Harry one to you, so 6+votes for the Harry's one?:)**

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