Preference 34- You're Insecure, (YOUR POV.)

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You're Insecure, (YOUR POV.):

Louis: I can't believe I agreed to come out in a bikini. I didn't think I would feel so... insecure? I hate talking about myself, incase people think I'm self centered but I always get insecure and never tell anyone. I agreed to come down to the pool with Louis, along with the rest of the boys. As soon as I got down Danielle and Perrie were splashing around in their bikinis. Looking like models when I'm just sat there looking like... me. I hate how I let myself come down here now all I'm giving myself if grief. I'm still wearing my shorts and t-shirt; all the others are in the pool. Having fun. That's what I should be doing. But what if the boys talk about my flaws? Poking them at me. They would never do that but my mind is running trough some unimaginary things. I'm just stood there, looking at them all. "(Y/N)? Are you not coming in?" Louis calls at me, I look down at him. Trying to think of some lie, but he'll just see right through me. "What's the matter?" He asks, jumping out, I just back away. Not wanting to engage conversation with him, "(Y/N), come on." He places a wet hand on my arm, making my arm cold and goose bumps appear. I look over his shoulder, everyone looking in our direction. "I'm just... I'm not in the 'swimmy' mood." I shrug my shoulders. I am. I want to go for a swim. It's boiling. "Crap." He says, taking my hand and walking out of the pool gates with me. When we were a few minutes away from the pool, walking along the hot ground, he asks me what's the matter again. We stop and sit down on a fresh patch of grass, "Seeing Danielle and Perrie in those bikinis just made me feel so, rubbish about myself." I admit, that's how I'm feeling. Louis looks at me with an apologetic look on his face, "Why? You're just as beautiful as they are." He knows I wouldn't do anything like this for attention. I won't do anything for attention. "At the end of the day, it's you who I'm going to have my eyes on. Not them." He smirks at me. I smile as I play with a blade of grass, until he holds my hand in his. "Can we go swimming, please?" He begs. I still don't feel comfortable but maybe I can swim in my shirt? That's exactly what I do, and I have a great time.

Zayn: I don't know how I got to do this in the first place, but I'm watching Little Mix perform on YouTube. In crop tops. Perrie's just, stunning. Flat stomach, toned, while I'm sat here with a chocolate bar. I sigh, wondering why Zayn picked me. All of a sudden he bounds through the door, I throw the chocolate bar to the other side of the room, luckily he didn't see. He's too busy carrying through all of the bags of shopping. I get up from my space on the couch, going over to him and helping him carry them all through to the kitchen. "Thanks boo." He pants, tired after lugging them all up the driveway. "No problem." I say quietly, eyeing up everything in the shopping bags. Crisps, chocolate, biscuits. Everything that I just promised myself I wouldn't eat for the next few weeks. He bends down and picks up a bag of Walkers crisps, opening them then taking a packet out for himself, then throwing me a packet of my favorite flavor. I just let them hit my chest and fall to the ground with a crumple. He looks at me, a confused expression flooding his face, "Do you not want any?" He looks at my own expression, studying it hard. My eyebrows are straight, as is my mouth. An almost upset expression. "What's the matter?" He asks, opening the crisps and placing one in his mouth. "Nothing, I was just watching something with Perrie in it..." I trail off. Knowing that he's going to be mad at me. "What, (Y/N). Why?" He puts the crisps down on the table and walks over to where I'm standing, placing both hands on my shoulders. "I was just curious. She's just so skinny. I'm like a beached whale." I sigh, knowing that it's true. He looks at me, his eyes wide. "I don't want you thinking like this." He simply says. I know for a fact that he'll want to say everything to me to make me feel better. But I wont believe it. It'll just be a waste of words. He doesn't say anything else to me, he brings me in for a hug and puts his head on my shoulder, I do the same. We sway back and forth for what seems like forever, Zayn humming a song in my ear and whispering encouraging things to me.

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