Preference 49- You Have A Panic Attack And He Helps You, (LOU&Z.)

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You Have A Panic Attack (LOUIS AND ZAYN):

Louis: "What if I fall over?" You speak to Louis who's stood next to you, his hands in yours, your head in the direction of the stage in which your dance group is going to perform on. "You wont, have you fallen over in rehearsals?" He asks you, making sure that you look at him when he's speaking to you, otherwise you wont listen to a word he says, "yeah, I have a few times." You answer truthfully and the fact that your family, Louis and some of the boys will be in the audience daunts you. Louis grimaces, it wasn't the answer he was looking for. "(Y/N), that was when you first started learning the routine, I've watched you and you're fine with it! Everyone makes mistakes." He tuck a strand of hair behind your clip that has fallen, making sure you don't look panic-stricken when you go out there. "three minutes ladies." Your dance teacher calls out, pulling you all in closer, getting ready to walk on stage. "I can't do this. I don't want to do this." You turn away from your group of friends, trying to look for a fire exit that you can run out of. "(Y/N), no." Louis places his hands on your upper arms, securing you so that you can't move. Now this makes you feel like you can't move and you're trapped in one place, getting prepared to be destroyed by your own body. "Louis, you're not helping." You cry, tears already falling from your eyes, then the panic attack starts. You're whole body bursts out into fits of shakes, like you're a leaf blowing in the wind, getting ready to detach from the branch. With Louis still holding onto you he feels your distress, "(Y/N)..." He pulls you to one side, sitting you down on a box that's full of props, "(Y/N), calm down." He whispers, not wanting other people to get involved because that'll just make it worse. Now it feels as if you've been trapped in a bubble, a bubble that's hot and sticky, that's what you're skin is. "I'm loosing it." You cry, loud enough to make people turn their heads and look at you. The crying causes you to hiccup in distress, making your breathing become irregular and alarming to Louis. "Hold on," Louis starts, standing you up, making sure all your weight is on him as he leads you out of the fire exit you were looking at before. As soon as you step outside your bubble pops and the little whirls of cool air calm you down. "Just calm down (Y/N), take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind of everything bad, have a clear, open mind." You shut your eyes whilst you do this; you find if you close your eyes you can concentrate more. Everything that's caused you to have a panic attack you clear out of your mind, if you continue thinking about it you'll just have another one. After five, agonizingly long, minutes you eventually calm down. Your breathing is back to its normal rate and your body temperature has seemed to cool down. Still, you seem to shake, just ever so slightly. This wont wear off for another ten minutes. Louis notices that you seem to back to normal, "everything okay now?" He cups your cheek with his hand and kisses your forehead; you nod, not wanting to speak just yet. "fine thank you." He kisses you again, stroking your hair, this calms you down, you're shaking stopping. "You sure you're alright now love?" He asks soothingly, not wanting to raise his voice because he knows you get headaches after you have an attack. "Yeah, do you think they'll notice of we leave?" You ask, smiling slightly. Louis shakes his head, not wanting you to perform after what happened anyway. He just links his arm in yours and walks back to the car park, driving you home and spending the rest of the day cuddling with you, making sure you don't get reminded of the event, that is now in the past.

Zayn: The sound of people rustling their sweet packets and munching on their popcorn take your focus off the movie being screened in front of you. The person behind you has been kicking your chair for the past twenty minutes and the movie just doesn't seem to interest you in the slightest. Zayn however, glued to the screen, hasn't moved his head around or turned to whisper something stupid in your ear. You want to get up and leave the cinema but you told Zayn even if you strongly dislike it, which you do, you wouldn't leave. Patiently, you sit and beg for the movie to fly by. Wanting the time to go by faster you shut your eyes, listening to the actors shout at each other, gun shots being fired and then the slamming of doors. After about three minutes the voices of the actors and actresses stop and everyone in the cinema screams. Without delay your eyes jolt open at the sound of the distressed people, all you see is darkness even though you opened your eyes. "Zayn?" You whisper, having an extreme phobia of the dark this is your worst nightmare. "What's happening?" You ask, your heart starting to beat faster than it should, you're almost certain that it's going to leap out of your ribcage. Even though your back is rested comfortably against the soft chair you feel like you're going to fall back. You feel Zayn hitting the chair arm, searching for your hand. He eventually finds it and takes it in his. As your heart beats faster your breathing quickens up to a pace it's never reached before. "God, make it stop." You cry, knowing that you're going to have a panic attack, now and then... in the dark. All you do is shut your eyes, it makes no difference. You try to speak to Zayn, you try and ask him what's happening but your throat tightens and your words get swallowed back. Zayn hears how abnormal your breathing sounds, you're panting, wanting to get as much air into your lungs as you feel like your chest wont stop tightening. "Why isn't anyone coming to get us all out?" You ask, gripping onto Zayn's hand tighter. "I don't know boo, just stay calm, you're not helping yourself." His hand makes its way to your cheek and his thumb traces circles over your plump cheeks. Normally, it would soothe you, but now it just wont help. "I want to get out." You shout, making random strangers wander over to where you're both sitting, "is everything okay?" A mans voice sounds. Taking over your body is fits of shakes, making your whole body shuffle around. "just someone help." You weep, worrying that you're going to black out. Zayn lets you of your hand and this scares you, what if someone blacked out the lights on purpose to come in and kidnap someone? What if it's Zayn? All these things are highly unlikely but that's what's going around your head. All Zayn's doing is reaching over to get you his water bottle, as soon as he hands it to you you try and twist the lid off, which is hard to do as you're shaking uncontrollably. Eventually you get the lid off and take small sips, after about six sips the lights flash back on but the movie stays off. Zayn's met with harsh reality as he see's the state you're in, mascara all down your cheeks, which he soon wipes away with his thumbs. All around you are a group of people, "oh dear." One of them mumbles as you continue to shake. "(Y/N)," Zayn says but you don't listen you're trying to calm yourself down, "(Y/N), you're alright, you're safe. Everyone's fine." Zayn calms you down, your breathing is back to normal and the shaking has decreased. "See, you're fine!" Zayn smiles at you and you smile back, the room seeming to stop spinning. "Thank you." You lean over and kiss him on the lips, getting an 'aw' from the people who are surrounding you.

**HIIII! SOMEONE REQUESTED THIS BUT I'VE FORGOTTEN WHERE THEY COMMENTED THE REQUEST, IF IT WAS YOU CAN YOU COMMENT PLEASE SO I CAN DEDICATE THE PREFERENCE TO YOU? Alright, I just want to say thank you for the feedback I got when I asked if everyone would be alright with me writing something like this. I don't have panic attacks, I think I've had one before because of my phobia.. when I looked up on them mine seemed similar. Sorry if some of the information is inaccurate, if there is some information that's inaccurate, please tell me? I don't want to look like a right knob! 7+votes for the next preference?:)**

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