Preference 58- High School.

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Louis: You and your group of friends make your way to the dimly lit football pitch. 'The astro' as they call it. All it is is three or four little pitches of Astroturf. You can hear the boys shouting at each other, occasionally spitting a swear word at each other. It's the first time you've been and you feel nervous. All of your friends have been before, not you. You like to stay in, do your homework.

You know who's going to be here though, Louis. The one who you really like but you don't even talk to. Before you came out you checked your makeup, made sure you had the right amount of mascara on, right amount of lipstick. All for one boy who might not even care about you. As you arrived all your friends separated and went to talk to the boys. You're left by yourself, as usual. After five minutes of being by yourself and nobody bothering to talk to you, you start to turn around and walk home. Something clashes with your heels as you walk quickly. You stop and look and see a football at your feet. You look around to see who had kicked it to you. There, stood twenty yards away is Louis. Waving for you to kick the ball back. You hesitate before slightly kicking the ball towards him. After you do so, you exchange smiles. He walks over towards you with the ball, your heart starts to quicken pace and your stomach does flips. As he reaches you he speaks, "not much of a football fan?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pocket and balancing his foot on his football. You shrug, not knowing what to say, "not really, I guess." You both laugh at your awkwardness, which to your surprise starts a conversation with him. Good, right?

Zayn: The summer breeze blows through the open window beside you. Slightly ruffling your thin collar. You're sat next to Zayn. The one who always stays quiet and does his work. He never asks the teacher for help, he kind of just sits there and gets on. You have a short attention span so half of the time you're either chewing your pencil or staring out the window. Today though, something very unusual happens. A finger taps your arm gently as you're miles away. "yeah?" You ask turning round to see Zayn staring at you. "I don't understand, did you hear what she said?" Wow, he didn't listen for once. You laugh slightly, "I think she said something about finding the common denominator of.." you trail off, not knowing where you're going to go with your explanation. "I don't know, just ask." You say, starting to actually try and do the work. "Oh wait," you say, pulling something out from beneath your book, "there's a sheet, it should have something on there." You hand the sheet to him and he smiles. He places the sheet in the middle of you both, looking back up at you and smiling. You smile back, showing your teeth, which you rarely do. "You have a nice smile." He says, quite quietly. "Thanks." You say, not knowing what to say next, do you return the compliment? "Yours isn't bad either." You say cheekily. Causing little giggles to come out from the two of you. "Get on." The teacher sternly says, everyone turns to you and Zayn then gets back to their work. You both look at each other, feeling slightly awkward. After that though, since you feel comfortable with Zayn, your mark in maths shoots up.

Liam: As you're scribbling down notes for your English assessment a crumpled piece of paper lands on your page. You open up the note and read 'talk to him you tit.' You smirk, as you know who it's off. Your best friend on the table in front. You look at her and shake your head.

She's referring to Liam, the boy sat next to you who you really like. You're about to write something back when Liam snatches the paper off you. "oh god." You whisper, so quiet that you couldn't even hear yourself. "Talk to who?" he asks, reading over the note. You shake your head, giving your friend a death glare. She just laughs, turning back around. "I just wrote that for Jane. She likes someone and she never talks to them." You go bright red, your cheeks flushing so red you have to turn away.

You and Liam talk often but not about who people like ect. "You didn't write that I was watching you write down all those notes." You turn back around and stare at him. "You were watching me?" You laugh. "Creep." You say, only for Liam to laugh nervously. Busted. After a few minutes of awkward silence he asks again. "So, care to tell me who she was referring to on the note?" he asks once more, putting down his pen. "I don't know, it'll be awkward." That sentence almost sparks off in Liam's head. "Wait, is it me?" You place a hand on your forehead, your palms getting sweaty. You turn your head to look at him, smiling slightly. "Well the feeling's mutual." You furrow your brows, "so you like yourself?" You ask him. He laughs at himself, realising what he just said. "No I like you dummy." He prods you with his finger. "Oh, cool." You say quietly. Smiling to yourself.

'I spoke to him, it worked.' You think to yourself.

Niall: You and Niall sit in his parents' car, drinking from a bottle of who knows what but it tastes good. "I think." Niall slurs, "we should just leave school." You laugh at him, taking another sip. "We shouldn't." You answer back, handing Niall the bottle. "Why not? No more teachers wanting to know our business. It'll be class, no more homework." He puts the now empty bottle by his feet on the floor. "You don't even do it anyway so you've got nothing to worry about." You tell him. He shrugs his shoulders and nods his head. "true, im puttin' the radio on." He says, you slap his hand away though. "No, I like talking to you." You keep a hold of his fingers. Kind of playing with them a little bit. Both your hands are warm with holding the bottle for so long. "I'm gonna regret this in but you know, it has to be done." He leans forward with no indication what so ever and kisses you. You kiss back, obviously because you're drunk. You pull away and see Niall smiling widely. "well." You say as you re adjust yourself in your seat. "Well.." Niall says, "was I not meant to do that?" He asks you. "No, you're okay. Maybe we should just go home now, I'll ask my mum to pick us up." Maybe that wasn't the best thing to do...

Harry: "That new boy keeps looking at you." Your friend whispers to you. You look up from your book and look to where he's stood, on the other side of the library, smiling at you. "What does he want?" You ask your friend. Confused as to why he's looking at you. "He might like you..." she trails off, going back to her book. You sigh and get up to go and speak to him. When you get next to him you just pretend to browse the shelves. "Why are you staring at me?" You ask him. He just looks at the books, his cheeks going red. He doesn't give you an answer. "So are you liking the school?" You ask him, trying to get an answer from him. "I guess so." He replies quickly, trying to avoid eye contact with you. "Not much of a conversation maker are you?" You stop for a second knowing that you're probably not making him feel comfortable, You stick your hand out in front of him, "I'm (Y/N) by the way, I probably should of started with that." You smile, he takes your hand and shakes it, "Harry, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." You both smile, a little laugh coming from you. "I know this is forward but, could I have your number?" is this actually happening? You ask yourself. You freeze for a minute but then pull your phone out and let him type it into his phone. You say bye and go back to your friend. "So?" she asks as soon as you sit back down. You wave your phone in her face, "got his number." You both giggle and get a funny look of the librarian. A few seconds later Harry walks past and smiles at you. Aw, cutie.

**hiii! Sorry for being so inactive:/ it feels nice to write again:') I thought I would write something a little different, so this age bracket is probably 15-16. If you like it, give it a comment or a vote and tell me what you would like to see next! Did everyone have a good Christmas though? 8+votes for the next preference!:D**

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