Preference 46- "Can You..."

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"Can you...":

Louis: "(Y/N)?" You turn your head to the sound of your boyfriends voice, he's sat opposite you on the settee and you're engrossed in your book, better be important. "Yes?" You answer, not wanting to move from your spot on the comfy chair, obviously Louis can't be bothered either because he asks you, "Can you get the remote for me please?" He smiles at you quickly before turning serious again, you roll your eyes and lean over onto the coffee table to pick up the remote before chucking it to Louis. "Lazy bugger." You mutter after Louis chuckles at you. "Thanks love." He smiles before blowing you a kiss, you pretend to catch it and hold it to your heart, smiling dearly while Louis lets out a low chuckle. After that he lets you return to your book and he watches the television.

Zayn: After spending the whole morning in the house on such a nice day you both decide to spend some time in the sun. There you both are in the back garden, lying on towels on the soft, mellow grass. A sigh of happiness escapes your lips as you relax down onto your towel, a few minutes on you feel Zayn shift next to you, "(Y/N)?" He asks you quickly, worried that he's disturbed you, you open one eye and peak up at him, he's sat upright next to you with the sun cream bottle in his hand. "Can you put some on my back please?" He whispers cautiously, he knows that you wanted to come out and relax and he's troubling you. You open your other eye and the sunlight almost blinds you, you place your hand to your forehead to block the sunlight from seeping onto your eyes. Without saying a word you sit up and start putting on the sun cream for Zayn.

Liam: "Can you smile for me love?" Liam asks you whilst you're sat on the bed next to him, "why?" you quickly retort. He doesn't answer you, he just reaches over for his phone instead of giving you a reason. "Liam, why do you need to photograph my face?" You laugh, watching him get the camera up on his phone, "you look really cute and I want a new background." He simply says then continues to take a picture of you; you pull an awkward smile because you feel slightly uncomfortable. "That's not your usual smile." Liam states, a look of concern on his face, "I'd feel more comfortable if you were in the picture next to me." You quickly flash a small smile to him before he shuffles next to you and takes a picture of you both, eventually putting it on twitter.

Niall: After seven hours of hell, a.k.a school, you're ready to shatter. All day everyday there's someone in your class who will give you some crap about going out with Niall. Everyone always says he's too good for you and that he can do much better than 'you'. Today has been the worst, people had planned to make this day the worst. All day people have been bumping into you in the corridor, calling you names, saying you were too fat for the jeans you were wearing and it all got to you. As soon as you get through the door you can hear Niall singing as he makes your tea. Not even that puts a smile on your face. "Hi!" Niall's voice rings out as he hears the door shut. When you don't reply he comes to the door of the kitchen, looking you up and down, sensing there's something wrong. "Bad day?" He simply asks, he know he'll get it out of you later so he keeps the questions simple. You nod then say, "Can you give me a hug?" As soon as the words leave your mouth he's across to you picking you up off the ground giving you a hug.

Harry: You take a quick glance at your watch then gasp quickly, you have to be at the train station in ten minutes or you're going to miss your train to go into town. "Bye Harry!" You shout as you run down the stairs, nearly tripping on some shoes Harry left there last night. "Bye!" he shouts from the kitchen. You quickly adjust your shoe and get ready to go out the door, "wait!" Harry shouts after you, you turn around quickly, "can you give me a kiss before you go?" He asks stepping towards you, "quick!" You hurry and smash your lips onto his before breaking away and shooting out the door, running down to the train station, "have a good day!" He shouts after you as you tear your way down the street, in hope to catch your train. You smile, he wont be able to hear you if you shout back so you plan to text him when you eventually get on the train to tell him you're there safely, if you don't he'll just worry about you otherwise.

**HIIIII! I know it's been a while since I updated but I have a few more in store. Have you seen how close I am to 1M though?! I nearly wet myself when I looked the other morning and it was 900K, eeeeeppppp! I liked doing this one because it's been a little different to the ones I've done in the past, has anyone got any ideas what other things I could do along these lines? Thanks for the support.x 9+votes for the next one!:)**

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