Preference 30- You Have An Asthma Attack While He's Away, (TOUR SERIES, LI&NI.)

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You Have An Asthma Attack While He's Away, (TOUR SERIES, LI&NI.):

Liam: "(Y/N)!" Another person shouts. Right now you're in the middle of a humongous group of people with Eleanor. A mixture of fans and paps. Eleanor has a tight grip on your wrist, leading you through the swarm of people. This is your first time in a storm of people, flashes going off, making black blotches appear in front of your eyes. At this point you're terrified that you're going to faint, so you start to breath faster. Eleanor starts to walk quicker, moving you both through the crowd quicker. Now, you're sure that you're having an asthma attack, your breathing is all over the place, you're dizzy and your hands are sweaty. All of the screaming and flashes stops, that's when you realize you're in Starbucks. Your head in your hands as you uncontrollably shake. "(Y/N)?" Eleanor asks, "(Y/N), what's the matter?" Eleanor is unaware that you have asthma, as you've never said anything to her, so to have an attack in front of her she's petrified. "What's happening, are you okay?"

"No-inhaler, please." You wheeze, your chest tightening as you speak to her. Her face scrunches up as she mumbles "inhaler" under her breath, then looks at you and dives for your bag, "bloody hell (Y/N), you could have told me." She says while searching through your bag, withdrawing your inhaler and handing it to you. You whip off the lid and place the inhaler to your lips. Puffing it, making your breathing settle and your lungs strengthen. "I'm sorry." You mumble, after becoming back to normal. "It's okay, I just wish you would of told me, at least now I know." She laughs, going over to order your drinks.

Niall: "Wait a minute Luke, I'll be there in a minute." You shout at your older brother who is drying for you to go over and be the goal keeper for their football game. You didn't even want to be here in the first place, it's summer and pollen season so that means you could have an asthma attack at any moment. You tried telling him that you have to do work around the house but he just said, "So you're going to spend a sunny day inside doing house work?" So now you're wandering around the park on the phone to Niall, who knows how serious your asthma can get. On your third date he brought you to the park and you had probably the worst asthma attack you've ever had. Until today. You're wandering around, watching your brother play football, you told him you didn't have the energy to be in goal so he got one of his friends to do it. "Niall, I feel really dizzy." You say into the phone, placing your palm over your head, feeling it warm up, "I don't think it helps that I'm sat on the grass." You mumble standing up, but as soon as you stand up the coughs start, Niall goes silent on the other line, "Shit." You breathe out, trying to get your brothers attention. You grab a fist full of hair and start crying, not knowing what to do. Your brother is just in eyeshot but too far to walk to. "(Y/N)? Get your brother, or get someone nearby." Niall instructs you, although you'd already caught an older ladies eye. She rushes over as soon as she can, "Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Can, you, help-" You stop, trying to regain your strength as you feel yourself falling, "me, please." You finally say, although your brother is already racing back over to you. The old lady moves out of the way as your brother pushes through, you drop your phone onto the grass as you snatch your inhaler off of him. After using it you feel better, thanking the old lady. You pick your phone up off the floor to see the call had been disconnected, you try to ring back but your brother rushes you back to the car and drives you home. Leaving you to call Niall back, assuring him that you're okay.

**Sorry these were probably crap! Haha, but there's over 50 votes for the other one, I'm shocked. Thank you! So, can we try 10+votes for the next one which is Harry's. LOVE YOU ALL!:D**

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