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Cordelia Silvius's P.O.V.

I'm not a big gambler... But I feel like I just gambled my life and won the jackpot.

Staring out the window, I admire the view I get to wake up to every morning now. I'm standing in front of a wall of windows looking out on the ocean. The sand is dirty white, and the ocean waves are as blue as the sky.

How did I get so lucky?

Standing in Aegon's spare bedroom that is soon to be considered my bedroom, I try to understand how this is possible. A week ago, I was slaving away as a waitress for a studio apartment and fighting with my boyfriend. I stand here today without a boyfriend and in a house on a beach in King's Landing.

They say when a door closes, a window opens... 

"Okay... That is everything." I hear Aegon's voice enter my new bedroom. "Here is a key, and I wrote all the codes."

"Thank you."

I breathe out and spin around to face my regular customer at The First Men's bar. I watch as Aegon sets down my last bag on the queen-size bed in my new bedroom. Glancing around the room as if he forgot what it looks like, Aegon smiles and meets my gaze as if everything is falling into place.

Not being able to help myself, I squeal and race over to the boy who saved my skin at the last second. Pouncing on him to give him a hug, I hear him chuckle while wrapping his arms around me to return the hug. Slinging my arms over his back, I rest my chin on his shoulder and say without thinking.

"You have no idea what this means to me. Thank you, Aegon. Thank you. Thank you. Thank-"

"It's nothing, sweetheart." Aegon hums out in amusement before kissing the side of my face. Leaning back so we may look at one another, he rests his hands on my hips and points out playfully. "I can't have my favorite girl living on the streets, can I?"

"I would've found something in Flee Bottom before going to the streets." I point out honestly while poking his chest. Shaking his head at me with a sour look, Aegon mumbles in a knowing tone. "Flee Bottom may as well be the streets... And no way am I letting you live there. Lord knows what would happen to you there."

Smiling at him in appreciation, I tilt my head and silently thank him again for doing this for me. I've known Aegon for two months now; we met the day I moved to Westeros and became a waitress. We hit it off surprisingly well and I think it has something to do with how we're both easy going.

The two of us can talk about nothing and joke about everything. He became one of my regulars the second we properly introduced ourselves. Aegon has already saved my skin a few times at the bar from drunks getting too handsy for my liking. 

However, I've always saved him from driving home drunk and stopped him from picking fights. If I didn't know Aegon as well as I do, I would have never taken him up on his offer. Though, I know him well enough to trust his words, which is why I still agreed on his offer even after finding out he lives with his two brothers and three monster size dogs.

Not to mention, I have nowhere else to go.

When Aegon said I could move into his spare room, he didn't mention he lived with his brothers in a home worth more than my life or he even had pets. I've heard of Aemond and Daeron, but just what Aegon told me about them. Aegon spoke about them like they weren't living under the same roof, so naturally, I didn't think they all lived together.

He spoke of how all of them attend the same college I'm transferring into, Andals University. Apparently, Daeron just graduated highschool, so he's just starting college while Aemond is halfway finished with his degree. Aegon would have graduated by now, but he admitted to me how he keeps failing classes and skipping school.

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