T W E N T Y - S I X

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Aemond's P.O.V.

It is well past midnight... How are they still going?

Bringing my cigarette to my lips and inhaling, I peer through a window and see Cordelia dancing with the Valeryon twin sisters in the livingroom. Daeron and Helaena are on the couch talking with a witch and skeleton. Last I saw, Aegon was playing a drinking came in the kitchen with a bunch of half-naked space-cowgirls.

We're at our third party of the night and still have two more to go to... Ah, hell.

I'm in the backyard, leaning up against a brickwall, smoking and enjoying the peace outside. It's been a long night of loud music and wild chatter, which is why I desperately want the quietness comfort of my home. However, the rest of my group is still in full party-mode, and I doubt any of them are ready to go home for my sake.

I'm not sure whose party we are at right now, but I know the address of this place since I drove us here. Though I can tell by the decorations and flowerpots outside, the host of this party is a girl. Silently thanking the lord that no one is out here to make commotion, I rub my eye and blow out smoke.

Picking up my beer with the hand holding my cigarette, I hear the backdoor of the house open and mentally curse myself for thanking God too soon. Taking a large sip from my beer, I prepare myself for the party inside to move out here. However, when I slide my gaze over to the backdoor, all I see is a familiarly short Tiger Lily.

"If you be the cash, I'll be the rubber band."

Cordelia sings the song playing from inside the house with a faint tone while shutting the door and swaying into the backyard. Dancing leisurely into the middle of the yard and peering up at the night sky, Cordelia takes a swig of her beer without noticing me leaning on a wall and watching her. Smiling at the sight of her swaying her body to the music, I listen as she hums out quietly.

"You be the match, I will be a fuse..." 


I announce one little lyric and make my presences known to her. Cordelia instantly spins around when realizing she's not alone and finds me on the patio lounging against the wall. When she realizes it is just me, she smirks with a bright glint in her eyes and nonchalantly dances towards me.

Holding down a laugh, I watch as she dramatically sways her hips before twirling like a ballerina for me. Cocking my head with a charmed posture, I admire the way she looks under the moon-lit sky as she dances to me on the patio. When she's only a foot away from me, she spins in circles until she is right in front of me and rests her back against my chest.

Leaning into my body, Cordelia grabs my wrists and pulls at my arms until they fold around her waist. Humming in amusement at the girl doing as she pleases, I feel her relax the back of her head on my chest and sway us to the music from the party inside. When I see her leisurely dancing us to the beat without a care in the world, I finally allow myself to chuckle and snuggle her into my embrace.

"Enjoying yourself?" I tease while resting my chin on top of her head and hold her to me like she will fall out of my grasp. Nodding her head briefly, Cordelia relaxes all her weight against me and hums with a melody like tone. "Is that so hard to believe?"


Smirking at her playful response, I take one last puff of my smoke before dropping it to the ground and smashing it with the bottom of my foot. Then, setting my beer down on the windowsill near us, I slouch my head and lightly nip at her neck before teasing her waist with one hand. Giggling at the soft attack on her hips, Cordelia wiggles in my grasp while tugging at my arms.

C U R I O S I T Y | Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now