F I F T Y - F O U R

624 41 8

Cordelia's P.O.V.

The sensation that I've been here before hits me more than I care to admit... I feel like I'm back in time, becoming a person I left in Essos.

Jacaerys pulls into a vast parking lot on the outskirts of Flea Bottom, exactly where Daeron told me to meet him and his brothers. Peering out the car window as Jace slows down, I find exactly what I knew I would while he widens his eyes in disbelief. No matter what country, town, or city I'm in... Street Racing will always be the same.

Lavish cars of all colors lounge around in the parking lot, not one is in the white lines of an actual parking spot. Skimpy dressed girls looking for a fun time hang around the priceless cars, hoping they are the next thing the racers ride. Racers with egos as big as their descriptions for their cars either lean on their ride or walk around baiting other racers, anticipating another race in their favor. 

... Street Racing is so predictable.

My eyes catch Aegon's familiar car near the center of the parking lot, but I don't see a single Targaryen brother. However, there is a riled circle of people clustered beside his car, which is where I will probably find all three of them. Replaying in my mind what I'm going to do, going over my plan one more time, I sigh under my breath and move to grab the bag of cash.

"Uh... Cordelia, wait." 

Coming to a stop in an actual parking spot, Jacaerys mumbles nervously and rests a hand on my shoulder to stop me from opening the passenger side door. He's scanning around the packed parking lot with a worried gaze and tense jaw, like this is the sketchiest thing he's ever done, which it might just be. Facing me and moving to take the black bag out of my hand, he suggests in a tight but concerned tone.

"Why don't you stay in the car and I'll hand Aegon the bag myself?"

On the drive here from the house, I explained the messy situation to Jacaerys, and he went along with my instructions from Daeron without conflict. Though by the alarmed look on his face, I can tell he rather do the rest of this himself rather than let me do it. Little does he know, or anyone else for that matter, I don't plan on just handing over a hundred grand to some arrogant racer with a flashy car.

"It will be fine, don't worry." 

I smile at him with reassurance, thinking it's sweet he's nervous about this, and pretend to relax back into my seat for his sake. Then, knowing how to get out of the car without a fight, I inch forward and give him a quick peck on the cheek. Leaning back and popping open the passenger side door, I catch him blinking at me in surprise over the faint kiss while I add with a tone of honey. 

"I got this."

Then, not giving him the chance to stop me, I jump out of his car with the black carry-on bag and my little black purse on my arm. I hear him calling my name and scrambling out of his car to follow me, but I don't slow down on the off chance he pulls an Aemond stunt and carries me over his shoulder back to his car. Walking through the parking lot in black high heels, clinging onto my bags, I ignore the looks that follow me as I get closer to the crowd near Aegon's car.

"Cordelia, hold on!" Jace shouts in panic from behind me while trying to catch up to my long strides. "Come on, wait!"

His request goes in one ear and out the other as I scan through the group of people, searching for silver blond hair. The sound of whistling and catcalling fills the air as a few guys direct their attention towards me, making me instantly regret not changing when I stopped by the house. I'm still wearing the dress Aemond bought for me, the dress for my date with Jace, and it's a little too upscale for an event like this.

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