F O R T Y - F I V E

839 46 14

Cordelia's P.O.V.

Oh, no... The tears are back again.

Rubbing my puffy and sore eyes, I attempt to get rid of the tears threatening to slip down my cheeks. Vhagar groans dramatically the second she hears me huff out a whimper and sees me shove my face in a couch pillow. Wailing my frustrations into the overpriced Targaryen throw pillow, I feel Vhagar shove her snout into my hair to get my attention. 

"Vhagar, don't you see I'm going through something?"

I growl into the pillow before tilting my head and sending the dog a sour look from my sprawled out position on the couch. Vhagar only whines at me in response while staring at me with an intent gaze, like she wants to me to do anything other than what I've been doing for the past week. Grunting at her with complete attitude, I then twist around so I don't have to look at her and her judgemental expression.

It's been almost two weeks since I found out about Aemond still seeing Alys, and over a week since the cold I caught left my system. Aemond hasn't returned home since our fight and I don't have a clue where he has been this entire time, but I don't have the courage to ask. Aegon and Daeron haven't said a word about Aemond since the flower bouquet situation, which is smart on their part since I'm still a mess.

... At least I'm not a mess with a runny nose and fever anymore.

Though I'm a mess, I'm going to all my classes and turning in all my assignments on time. I've already caught up on all the hours and assignments I missed while I was sick, but work is entirely a different story. Even though I'm no longer sick, I'm still calling work and canceling shifts without a second thought.

I've only gone to work once since finding out about Aemond and Alys.

Aegon isn't really worrying about rent money, and at this time of my life, I'm taking full advantage of it. I can't bring myself to go to work and play nice with customers, and I am almost certain I would end up crying in the middle of my shift. I rather randomly cry in the middle of the living room, surrounded by three scary dogs, rather than in front of customers whom I rely on for generous tips.

Feeling Sunfyre scratching at my ankle for attention, I bunch myself into a tight ball and hide underneath the pink couch blanket I bought for the living room. I hear the dogs whining and groaning at me, but I ignore them all and stay content with sitting in my misery. For two long weeks, all I've done is stuff my face with food and watch movies that don't help my crying problem.

"Come on... Stop it!" I whine when I feel Tessarion tugging on my blanket and pop my head out to glare at all the dogs. "Will you three just leave me be? Look at me, I'm a train wreck-"

"I cannot believe you, Cordelia. You're still on the damn couch?" 

Suddenly hearing Aegon's voice, I glance to the hallway for the front door to find him and Arryk walking into the house. Aegon is wearing this stupid look of disbelief on his face while Arryk's eyes widen and he glances anywhere else but the couch I'm moping on. Rolling my eyes at the oldest Targaryen, I flop my head back onto the tear stain pillow and snap with oozing sass.

"Yes, Aegon. Yes. Where else would I be?"

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe at work... Or having a girl's night with Baela and Rhaena." Aegon lists off as if he's getting more frustrated by the pitiful sight of me. Then, waving a hand at the clock on the wall, he points out like it's a big red flag. "Daeron has a game tonight, and don't you go to every single one of his games?"

"I'm not in the mood."

I huff in a low tone while staring at the flat screen in the living room that is playing one of my sappy movies. Aegon is supposed to be bar hopping with Arryk right now, and I thought I would have the house to myself tonight, but apparently Aegon made a stop at the house to check in on me. I had planned on brooding on the couch all evening by myself, but it seems Aegon thought I would be doing anything else with my free night.

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