T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Cordelia's P.O.V.

"If you come to pick me up tonight and the guys are still not home, it's time to make a few calls-"

"Yeah, baby. Okay." 

Aemond sigh excessively with a crooked smile sowed on his lips as he drives us through the city of King's Landing. I send him a stern but bored side look before going back to looking in the mirror and fixing my mascara. He's taking us to the First Men's Bar and Grill for my shift tonight, but I know without a doubt I'm going to be a few minutes late.

Aemond insisted on helping me get dressed when we left his bed, but he spent more time teasing me than actually dressing me to leave the house. Which led me to panic with fear of being obviously late for work and rush out of the house with my makeup bag while yelling for him to hurry up. Sitting in the passenger seat in my black waitress uniform, I listen to Aemond assure me once again as I mess with a few eyelashes.

"Though, I'm telling you." Squeezing one of my thighs affectionately, he declares for the millionth time since getting in his car to leave for my job. "Daeron and Aegon will be home by time I pick you up from your shift."

"Just making sure we're on the same page."

Same page.

Those two words linger in my thoughts, and I suddenly want to ask him about what is going on between us, about what is going on with Alys Rivers. I want us to be on the same page, to have no doubts about each other and what we started on Halloween night. Though it hasn't even been over forty-eight hours since first sleeping together, and this is the sweet phase, there should be no need to talk about us being on the same page yet.

Ask him. Just ask him about what all this means for us.

Sitting still in my seat, I hold my tongue from puking out words and first think about how I want to approach this. Putting my mascara back in my makeup pouch and darting my gaze to Aemond, I find him utterly relaxed in his seat with one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh. I bite my bottom lip at the sight of him so content, so at peace with us, and feel the need to ask him fading from my thoughts.

Aemond knows I'm a relationship kind of girl, and that I'm not someone for a one-night-stand or sneaky-link. We've talked about why I wouldn't admit my feelings for him before, why I won't compete with Alys Rivers and the company merger. He knows and understands all of this and still changed things between us by admitting his feelings towards me.

There's no reason to ask... He knows what I want. He wouldn't do all this with me if he didn't want the same thing.

Though even with everything we've already talked about and confessed, I still have this need inside me to make sure we're on the same page. I want to ask him about what we are now, what he said to Aly Rivers about us, how he broke things off with her, when will we tell his brothers and sister? There is so much I want to ask now because of everything between us, yet I want to believe I have no need to ask him any of those things at all. 

Resting my eyes on Aemond, I go through dozens of questions in my mind while also thinking of everything we did last night and today. I feel the car slowing down and I know Aemond just pulled up to the First Men's Bar and Grill to drop me off, but I keep my eyes steady on him. Watching him put the car in park and turning his head to face me, I suck in a breath and fiddle with my pinky finger.

Just freaking ask him and get it over with.

"Aemond, I..."

My words get stuck in my throat when he gives me an easy smile and rubs his hand sweetly over my thigh. Without thinking, like I can't help it, I drop all questions from my mind and return his smile with the one he loves so much. Then, leaning across the console between the driver and passenger's seats, I reach for him and he instantly moves for me. 

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