T W E N T Y - O N E

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Cordelia's P.O.V.

"What do you think my brothers are doing right now?"

"Pouting like babies and waiting for us to come home."

I joke and while sending Helaena a smug expression since I know that's exactly what they're doing without us. Aegon's probably mopping in front of the TV screen and playing a game, or worse, drinking out of boredom. Odds are Daeron's outside playing with the dogs to distract himself or watching a rerun of a baseball game.

... And then there is Aemond.

Either he is reading a book and pretending not to be looking at the clock as he waits for us, or he is focusing on work and school out of habit to fill up his time. Whatever boring thing he's doing, I know he's checking his watch and hoping for us to call him so he can pick us up. However, Helaena and I are at an ice rink downtown with Baela and her twin sister, Rhaena, with no intention of calling the boys to pick us up.

Helaena and I were planning to go out to dinner with her brothers tonight, but when we heard Baela and Rhaena were going skating, we changed our plans. None of the boys wanted to go skating and instead of trying to talk them into it, we had Baela pick us up and leave them to fend for themselves. It surprised all three brothers that we left without a fight, but in our defence, the boys never want to do something we think is fun.

Aemond usually wants to stay home and Aegon always wants to go clubbing, while Daeron is happy if he's watching or playing sports. It's the fifth day of Helaena staying with us, but this is the first time we said the boys can suck it and made our own plans without them. I remember when Baela came to pick us up and saw the pitiful look on the boys' faces when we shouted goodbye to them and fled out the front door.

Those three boys are just as pitiful as the dogs.

"I can just picture it. They're waiting by the phone... Hoping one of you call." Baela laughs while skating around us like a freaking professional. Rhaena then glances at the time on her watch and points out with a smirk. "That's absolutely what they're doing, since you two told them you'd be back in an hour... And that was two hours ago."

"Really? Two hours? Oh, no..." 

I blurt out nervously before slowing down on the ice and gliding to the rail while pulling out my phone to check the time. Sure enough, it's been two hours since we left for the ice rink and I frown in guilt when seeing the text messages from Aemond. Texting back to his concerned messages, I mumble to the girls without a thought.

"... Great. Aemond is worrying about us now. Hold on."

"Aw, are you going to tell him we're all safe and sound?" 

Rhaena teases while spinning in a circle in front of me and sending me a shit-eating look. I send her a sheepish expression before sending Aemond a text that everything is alright and I'll let him know when we're on our way home. Nudging me as I take my phone off silent so I can hear when he texts back, Rhaena taunts me playfully while leaning beside me on the railing.

"Does he need a photo of us for confirmation that everything is good here?"

"Probably." Baela snorts while skating to my other side so she can lean on the railing with us. "... But he will only care if Helaena and Cordelia are in the picture."

"Oh, please. Don't give him so much credit." Helaena joins in on the banter while skating towards us with a proud smirk. "He hasn't even texted me. My brother only worries about Cordelia. His pride and joy."

Just as she comes up to us, she steals my phone right out of my hand and turns so all four of us are facing the same direction. Pulling up my camera and aiming the lense at us, Helaena quickly snaps a few pictures of us together. Twirling to face us again, Helaena does something on my phone before handing it back to me and grabbing my arm.

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