Broken Glass

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Author's Note~

Heya! Okay, warnings:
• Angst
• Mention of blood
• Swearing
• Homosexuality
• Mention of abuse

Hehe- There's a lot. Very emotional story. I'm tempted to not write this, but this little scene has been playing in my head all day. I need to get it out!! 😩

So, yeah, enjoy!

Remember: My requests are always open! If you have one, either put it in the comments or DM it to me.

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P.O.V: William

To have Noah drop by at our house so early in the morning was extremely unexpected. And to hear that Michael wouldn't let anyone into his house--and to have Noah say that he was hearing crashing noises coming from inside--was kind if nerve-wracking, I must admit.

Henry knocks on Michael's front door and shouts, "Michael! Mike, it's Henry! What's going on in there?"

No response. Just more crashing.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but..." Noah's words trails off as he digs through his pockets. He pulls out a key and slides it into the lock. "I don't care if he said to only use this is times of emergency. I'm pretty sure this counts as one." He turns the key and opens the door, then steps inside. Henry and I file in behind him, stepping to the side of Noah with the sound of crunching coming beneath our feet.

Noah shrieks and ducks, and when I look forward, I see a vase coming right for mine and Henry's heads. Henry's frozen still, and I shove him out of the way. We fall onto the floor, me on top of him, as the vase crashes right above our heads. Sharp shards of broken pottery sprinkle over the three of us, and Noah yelps. A piece of the vase must've hurt him.

I sit up quickly and help Noah dig out a shard of the vase out of the back of his neck. I look him over. He looks fine, except for the fear in his eyes and the blood running down the back of his neck. It'll heal in a few minutes--perk of him being an angel. Then I look over Henry. He looks a little shaken, but other than that, he's fine.

"Crap," Mike mutters.

I turn to Michael, whose hands are covering his mouth. He looks like he's on the brink of breaking down, and he rips his earbuds out of his ears.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't hear you guys come in--are you all okay?" Mike asks nervously as he goes back and forth between backing up and coming closer. When I take a closer look, he's got a long--but not deep--cut across his cheek, and a black eye is forming on the other side of his face, swelling his eye half shut. His hair is a wreck, and he's got a relatively large bruise on his forearm.

Before any of us can even assure him that we're fine, he falls to the floor in a sobbing mess. All three of us rush to his side, all of us confused on why he's semi-decent one second and breaking down the next. Naturally, Henry and Noah are the ones on the floor directly next to him and I'm the one in front. Henry and Noah grab his hands, and I rest my hand on his knee to provide comfort.

"We're fine, Mikey," Noah assures him quietly. "But are you okay?"

Mike doesn't answer. He just leans against Noah and cries. Noah lets go of Michael's hand and pulls him into a sideways hug. Even when he stops crying, Mike stays quiet, soaking up the comfort from his friend.

"Are you willing to talk now?" I ask him.

Mike inhales a shaky breath. "I'm fine. Really, I am. It's just been a rough morning."

"What happened?" Henry asks, frowning. He hates it when anyone has a bad day. Even if he had an enemy and his enemy had a bad day, he'd still feel bad and ask what happened. I don't know how on earth he can be so sympathetic.

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