Dancing Lessons {Past}

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Author's Note~

• Swearing

I'm no longer saying "homosexuality" as a warning. It's stupid. I don't even know why I did it in the first place. :/

This skit takes place after William's death. Evan is already dead. Elizabeth and Michael are living at Henry's house. (He's the Afton kids' godfather, so...)

Charlie's dead. Kind of important to mention.  :_

That's it.

Enjoy! Or not. I really don't control you and your opinions. If you like it, cool. If you don't, also cool.  :>

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P.O.V: Henry

A knock on the garage door startles me out of my working stupor. Mike slowly opens the door and steps inside the room, closing the door behind him.

"What's up, Mike?" I ask before setting my tools down on the work table.

He fiddles with his thumbs nervously. "Do... Do you have some time to take a break?"

"Depends on what you or Beth want."

He chuckles quietly. "Well, I don't know how long it'll take. But you don't have to say yes."

"What do you need?"

"I-I was wondering if you'd teach me how to dance. The prom is coming up, and I wasn't planning on going, but Noah kind of convinced me otherwise," he says quickly, as if he's afraid to say what he did. "You can't tell him, though! I want it to be a surprise."

"Do you have any knowledge on dancing? Like, how to?"

He shakes his head. "Th-This is the first time I'm going a school dance. I skipped the rest."

I hum thoughtfully, then grab my tools and get to finishing the part I was working on. Mike sighs behind me, disappointed, and starts to leave the room before I tell him to stay where he is. I hear him close the door and return to his spot.

"Look," I tell him. I step around the animatronic endoskeleton and plug it into the outlet. I type in the last command on my computer, then take out the flash drive and put it in the flash drive's slot in the endoskeleton. "You know how I've working on Funtime Foxy's coding strip so he can entertain the kids more?"

"Yeah," he mumbles in response.

"Well, I think I found a way to make him more entertaining." I stand in front of the animatronic. "Foxy, what's the fun fact of the day?"

"Did you know that a turtle can live for over 100 years? That's longer than elephants and most humans!" Foxy tells us, and Mike laughs.

"Supposed to encourage kids to be open to learning new things?" Mike asks me.

I take out the flash drive and insert it back inside my computer. "You are correct." I unplug the endoskeleton and put the custom child barrier I made after Charlotte and Sammy's birth back inside. "That is exactly what I was trying to accomplish. How'd you know?"

"Oh, come on, Henry. I've been taking over your guys' jobs since I was ten. This kind of crap is easy for me at this point."

I can't help but laugh. I mean, he's not wrong. Every time that William or me haven't been available for a day or two, he would fill in the missing role. Ever since William died, Mike has had his job.

"Come on," I tell him. "I'll reach you how to dance."

He smiles brightly. "Really?"

"Why not?"

His smile grows and he does a little excited dance, then rushes over to me and gives me a big hug. "Thank you, Henry!"

I can't help but laugh again. "No problem, kiddo."

Time skip

P.O.V: Michael

I flop on the couch with a frustrated grumble as Henry goes and turns off the music.

"I'm never going to get this!" I exclaim, my voice a lot more whiny than I intended to. "Why am I so bad at this?"

"You're getting better, Mike," Henry says with a sad smile. "It takes practice."

"We've been practicing for four hours." I sigh and slump down. "Maybe it'd be best if I just didn't go to the dance. I don't even think I have the courage to ask my crush out. They'd probably say no, anyway."

"You don't have to keep saying 'they,' Mike. You already told me who your crush is."

"Oh." I chuckle. "Right."

"I swear, that boy cares about you more than anything. I'm certain he'd say yes if you asked him to dance."

"Maybe," I mumble, my face warming up. "It's possible, I guess."

"Come on," he says, his voice determined. He pulls me up onto my feet. "I'm going to teach you how to dance. I don't care what it takes, but I will make sure you dance with him."

"I don't even know if I'll be able to," I tell him. "I don't know if he's the same as me. You know what I mean?" I stare at the floor, kind of ashamed in myself. "A-And I've had crushes on girls before. But they've never been like this. Intense. Prominent. Time-consuming."

"That's what you call real love," Henry says jokingly. "Nah, I'm kidding. I don't know why some crushes are mild and some are a fucking pain in the ass."

"Language," I say, mimicking Beth. We both laugh.

"She's at her friend's house. And I've heard you curse, so it doesn't matter."

I laugh some more, then take a deep breath. "Time to learn to dance."


P.O.V: M. Noah
(Haha- Did any of you guess that Noah was Mike's crush? I mean, it's kind of obvious, but still.  xD  )

I still can't believe it. Mike actually said yes! I know that we've been doing the slow dance with each other for almost a full minute, but still!

Mike's got his eyes closed with his head drooping the slightest bit. He's smiling--not widely or anything. It's more of a content smile. A happy and relaxed smile. And he's humming along to the music, his voice syncing with the notes perfectly.

"Thanks for asking to dance with me," Mike says quietly, a little blood rushing to his cheeks. "I was going to ask you, but when you said you were waiting for someone specific to ask you, I..." He chuckles sadly. "Didn't think you meant me. So I didn't ask."

"Caught you off guard, huh?" I ask, chuckling quietly.

"I guess so." He chuckles, then rests his head on my shoulder. "Thanks, again."

"You're welcome, Mikey."

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