Sleepless {Past}

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Author's Note~

• Dreamland*
• Gore (?)
• Swearing

* - What I mean by dreamland is that you'll be seeing people's dreams.  :D

This takes place, like, the first few days after Evan was bit. (He had about a week in the hospital before he died, and he was pretty much in a coma the whole time.)

That's all.


~ ~ ~

P.O.V: William

"Finally," I murmur as I finish the last piece of paperwork I had to do. I shove the paper into the folder, then slide the folder into my work bag. I look at my watch--3:24 AM. Damn, I spent a lot more time doing my job than I expected. Eh, I'll be fine. I stand up from my desk, turn off the desk lamp, and make my way to the door. I open it and slip out, then ease the door shut behind me.

Creaking from downstairs makes me tense up. Who would be awake this early? Actually, now that I think about it, it's probably Elizabeth. She tends to get a snack when it's somewhere around two or three.

I head downstairs, ready to tell Lizzie to go back to bed. But when I enter the kitchen, it's not Elizabeth. It's Michael. And he's not making himself a snack like Lizzie does. He's making coffee. Not decaf, though. Just straight up, caffinated coffee.

"Mike?" I say quietly, trying to not scare him. "What are you doing up this early?"

Mike doesn't respond. Barely even breathes. Just continues to make the coffee, moving so quickly that his movements are little blurs.

"Mike?" I repeat.

Still no response.

"Michael." I go over to him and rest my hand on his shoulder. He's not even in pajamas. He's still in the same clothes that he was wearing yesterday.

"Just leave me alone," he mutters. "I-I won't be long. I'll be go back to my room shortly."

"Why aren't you in bed?"

He doesn't answer again. Just continues to make coffee. I grab his hands, forcing him to stop making something that won't help him sleep.

"Michael, why aren't you in bed?" I repeat, my tone more angry than I wanted. "You should be sleeping. It'll be a long day of work today and you know that."

"I can't sleep." He rips his hands out of mine and goes back to work.

"Then why are you making something that'll only help you stay awake?"

"I can't sleep."

There's an undertone to his voice. One that's implying that there's a different meaning to his words.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, my nerves bouncing around. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes." His hands fall to his sides. "I-I can't..." He sighs and backs away from the counter. "I can't sleep. I physically cannot sleep. N-Not because I'm just not tired."

Tears start to fall from his eyes and he turns away.

"What's going on, Mike?" I motion for him to sit down at the table and he listens. I sit down in the chair next to his. "You've been acting weird since the incident at Fredbear's."

"That's exactly why I can't sleep!" Mike stands and starts to pace around in a tiny circle. "W-What if the hospital calls? What if he never recovers? What if he's paralyzed forever, just like I should've been?" His pacing gets faster and faster and faster. "E-Every time I close my eyes, even if it's just to blink, the scene of Evan dangling from Fredbear's jaw is burnt into my brain. Just watching him being flung around as Fredbear and Springbonnie continue their performance. The sounds of Fredbear's mouth continuously opening and closing, turning Evan's brain into mush. Mark, Frederick, and Simon's panicking, not knowing what the fuck to do. The blood splattering everywhere, staining Evan's clothes, Fredbear's springlock suit, my face and clothes--not to mention it dripping everywhere, especially all over the stage and over me when I tried to get him out. The flashbacks from when Foxy bit me back in '83." He starts hitting his head hard and I have to rush over to him to stop it.

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