Just a Little Bit of Romance

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Author's Note~

• Swearing

That's all. A tad bit of swearing, and some romance. Really cheesy romance, but who cares? It's better than the dramatic bullshit I'm addicted to writing.

After Mike and Mary's divorce because these types of skits are legit my favorite to write. I love Mike and Noah.  TwT  They're just so damn adorable!!!!

I think this one might actually be short. Would you look at that?


Or not. I mean, I don't control you.  :^

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P.O.V: M. Noah

I sneak up behind Mike and rest my head on his shoulder, then grab his moving hands so he'll stop working. He tenses up and I chuckle.

"It's just me," I tell him, holding out my hands for him to see. He relaxes and I kiss him on the cheek.

"You're super clingy today," he remarks quietly. "Why is that?"

"You were gone all day yesterday! You missed movie night." I wrap my arms around his waist when he continues his work.

"So you're disappointed that you didn't get your cuddles last night?"


He laughs. "I've committed such a crime, huh? What's my sentence, you dork?"

"Hmm," I hum, then laugh. "Let me think. You have to kiss me!"

"That is such a sad punishment. There are so many other things you could ask for, and you choose that?"

"Yes, of course! You rarely give me any kisses. I'm always giving them to you but you never give any to me."

"Okay, okay. Fine." He turns his head and kisses my forehead. "I'm busy right now, but I'll give you a real one later today. Is that sufficient enough for you?"

"Yeah." I kiss his cheek again and he chuckles. "When will I get it?"

He reaches up and boops my nose. "Now, if I tell you that, it won't be a surprise."

"I don't recall you ever saying that it's going to be a surprise."

"Well, I'm telling you now."

"You suck."

"I know."

I sigh and he laughs. "Come on, leave me alone now," he tells me. "The sooner I get done with my work, the sooner you'll get your kiss."

Time skip

I'm just scrolling through available positions on my job-finding app when Mike calls for me upstairs, looking for my help. I close the app on my phone, stand up, and shove it in my pocket as I make my way to the staircase. I climb up the stairs and walk down the hallway to his bedroom, where I assume he is. The door is wide open, so I step in. The room is blanketed in darkness--no light anywhere, other than the faint amount coming in through the doorway. I glance around the room, but I don't see Michael anywhere.

"Mike? Where are you?" I call aloud, kind of nervous. I shove my hands in my pant pockets, not sure what to do with them. "Hello?"

The door slams shut behind me and I shriek, terrified. I whip around and stare at it with wide, afraid eyes. What the hell? There's nobody there! How did it close? 

"Michael? Are you playing a prank on me?" I cross my arms over my chest. "You know that I don't like pranks. I'm sure you remember what happened the one time you tried to pull one on me when we were kids."

Out of nowhere, I feel a soul fly through me. I stumble backward, surprised, and turn around to see where it went. But it's gone. Okay, this is getting creepy. What the fuck is going on? Is Mike's house haunted? That makes sense. If William finally died or Elizabeth and/or Evan wanted to, I'm pretty sure they would. Wait, no. Evan spends most of his time at Fazbear's with the missing kids--minus Charlotte, who's with Henry, of course--and Elizabeth just likes to come over randomly and play with Allison and Addie. So I doubt they would haunt him. But William might, especially considering how all of their fighting after Evan's death tore a ginormous gap between the two of them. I doubt their father-son relationship will ever fully repair itself, not unless they really, really try. And even then, it won't ever be the same. Their arguments were brutal. I saw a couple of them, and often had to deal with the aftermath 'cause Mike would come to my house for the comfort and safety.

Suddenly, the lights turn on. I wince and cover my burning eyes--what the fuck?! Is this soul out to get me or something? If I had to guess, it's not William. He'd always liked me, especially compared to the rest of Mike's friends. Whenever we all got together, it got hectic. 

I manage to open my eyes a little bit, barely able to see. It's super bright. Did Mike change out the bulbs recently? I don't remember his room being so... so... sunny.

A pair of hands grab me by the shoulders, spin me around, and pull me off of my feet. I expect to fall to the ground, but one of the hands slides underneath my back, keeping me up. The other rests on my forehead, and when I open my eyes, the light doesn't set my eyes on fire because Mike's shielding my eyes from it.

"Hi," he says quietly with an itty bitty smile. "You all right? I didn't think the lights would affect you that much."

"Y-You did this?!" I exclaim, genuinely surprised. "Were you the soul that went through me?"


"Since when do you go in your soul form?"

He shrugs, making me panic when I fall back a little. "Does it matter?"

"I guess not."

He grins, then gently presses his lips into mine. I squeal, surprised, and in a few seconds, he pulls back.

"There's my apology for scaring you," he tells me with a wide grin.

"Thanks," I say, a slight chuckle in my voice.

He holds me closer and presses his lips into mine again. But this time, he lingers. He doesn't pull away in a few seconds like he did last time. By the time he does, I can feel how my face is bright red.

"And there's the one I owe you."

"Just had to sweep me off my feet again, huh, Mike?" I ask, laughing.

"Just a little bit of romance to brighten your day."

"My days are already bright."

"How so?" he queries with a sly smile.

"Because you're in them." This time I pull him close and kiss him. When I try to pull back, he keeps me up, continuing it. Eventually, he ends it.

"S-Sorry," he mumbles, avoiding eye contact. His cheeks are tinged with pink when he admits, "I just like your kisses."

"It's fine. I like giving them to you."

He smiles, stands me up, then hugs me.

~ ~ ~

The End

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