Rules, Roses, and Haters {Past}

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Author's Note~

• Homosexuality (Mike × Noah)
• Swearing
• Homophobia
• Slurs

This skit takes place after Beth's death. Mike is eighteen, and Noah will be turning nineteen soon. Mike has shut down Fredbear's for financial and reputation reasons, and Freddy Fazbear's is going through its huge renovation. Mike normally spends his time at CB's during the day and works on the renovations after CB's closes and is cleaned. Whenever Noah is on his lunch break, he goes and hangs out with Michael at work. And every once in a while, he'll bring something for Mike.

I think that's really all to explain-

NoAh DoEs NoT pOsSeSs EnNaRd-
I mean, he does, but this isn't Ennchael or Mennard. He possesses Ennard, as does everybody else. Mike's daughter (who possesses Ballora), David (Funtime Foxy--story will not be told), and Elizabeth. Though Beth's soul is kicked out by everyone else later, and she goes to Scrap Baby.

That's all.


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P.O.V: Michael

I love kids, but I hate how content they are with breaking the rules. I have the rules in place so that kids won't get hurt or get in trouble. Analex, TJ, Lavender, and Estella have already died here when CB's was Circus Ennard's. And then there's Elizabeth who... passed just over a month ago. I was able to get rid of the coding that had CB kill my little sister, but her eyes won't change back to their original deep sky blue. They're a grassy green, just like Beth's. Whatever that means, I don't really want to know.

Now I'm stuck cleaning sticky fruit punch out of Funtime Foxy's endoskeleton's arm. Some little brat came up on the stage and threw his drink onto the voiceless animatronic, making Foxy fizzle and spark and go out of commission.

Suddenly, one of the springlocks that keep Foxy's exoskeleton on activate and snap into my arm. The rest of the springlocks along the line snap and shudder, but thankfully I'm able to twist my arm in a way where I'm not hit again. I crank open the springlock and pull my arm out. Blood gushes from the deep gash, and I pull out the gauze wrap from my pocket. One of the first things I learned to do when I'm working on one of the animatronics: keep a roll of gauze in my pocket for whatever injury I'll sustain.

I take the towel I was using to clean out the juice and wipe up my blood, then throw it in the laundry bin I take home with me each night. So far today, I've got three towels, one of CB's skirts, and two of Ballora's ballet skirts in it. Make it four towels.

All of a sudden, somebody's strong arms pull me to my feet and spin me around. The person hugs me, and my face is buried in his or her shoulder. When the embrace ends, I realize it's Noah who's just giving me an affectionate greeting. I didn't realize that his break time had already come around. He gives me his normal kisses--one on both cheeks, then lastly on the lips.

"Hi, Noah," I greet kindly. "How has your day gone so far?"

"Pretty good," he replies with a big smile on his face. "Especially now that I finally get to see you. Work's been slow for some reason."

I feel my face warm at his words. He always says that--minus work being slow--but it always catches me off guard.

"I brought you something," he tells me. He leaves the room quickly and returns just as fast. In his hands, he holds a bouquet of roses. My favorite. I know it's kind of cliché that they're my favorite, but I don't care. I've got a different reason for them being mine, compared to everyone else.

"Oh, Noah, that wasn't necessary." I laugh and kiss him, then take the flowers. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He looks around the curtained-off stage for Funtime Foxy, then stares at Foxy's endoskeleton. "What happened to him?"

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