New Normals <2>

69 3 1

Author's Note~

• Swearing
• Abuse

This part starts really dramatic, but I swear it gets better!

This took so long to write, what the fuck-

Onto the skit we go!


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P.O.V: M. Noah

Panic strikes me. Why the fuck is she here? If I'm this afraid of her being here, I can't imagine how terrified Mike is. I don't know how to calm him down, though. I turn around, make sure he's watching me, then hold his hands. He's shaking badly. Gosh, I feel so bad for him.

"I'll go see what she wants," I tell Mike. "Addie, you stay here with him."

Addie nods her head in agreement, but Mike shakes his head. "I'll go see what she wants," Mike says quietly. "She's my ex, not yours. You shouldn't have to deal with Marilyn for me."

Mary knocks again, this time harsher than before, and Mike squeals. "Michael, I know you're in there. Come out here, I just want to talk to you!"

"Do you want me to come to make sure she doesn't try to hurt you?" I ask him.

Mike shakes his head. "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure, Daddy?" Addie asks, her tone nervous. "Mom's unpredictable--you know that better than anyone. And we have no idea how she'll act now that you two are divorced."

Mike laughs and musses her hair. "I'll be fine, Coral Reef."

She smiles at the use of her old nickname, hugs him, then comes over to me. She grabs onto my pant leg--something she'd do when I'd come to take care of Al and Addie when Mary and Mike were in a particularly heated fight.

"I'll be right back," Mike tells us. He gives us both a small smile before he leaves the room on shaky feet.

P.O.V: Michael

I stand by the front door, hesitant to open it. I take a deep breath, force my hand to grab onto the door handle, and open it. Mary stands there, arms folded across their chest. Her eyes are red with dark bags underneath them, and she's not in her typical dress and heels. 

"I was starting to think that you wouldn't come," she grumbles.

"What do you want, Marilyn?"

"I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't know how badly I hurt you." She reaches to grab my hand and I jerk it away. This jackass does not get to touch me. I won't allow it. "You know I really do love you, right? You forgive me, don't you?"

It's hard to swallow. She always does this! She's fucking manipulative.

"No!" I shout when she reaches for my hands again.

She stares at me and sniffles as if she's about to cry.

"What happened to your gorgeous face, Mikey?" Before I can stop her, her hands are on my face, tracing over my still-untreated burns. "Henry didn't do this, did he? I swear, that man should be in jail. He burnt down your restaurant--that's arson!"

"He was an owner, too," I say, then smack her hands off my face.

"Not the point," she mumbles. "Will you please come back home? I miss you, I miss you so much. What I did was a mistake. Please come back."

I shake my head when I can't find my words.

"What?" Mary asks, her tone offended and hurt. "Why not?"

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