Addiction <3>

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Author's Note~

• Swearing
• Mention of divorce
• Abuse

I'm so excited to write this that I nearly forgot to put the warnings- ahaha...

I wasn't originally going to make a part three to this skit series, but I got a great idea for one. So yeah! Here I am! With a part three to my most-viewed skits.


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P.O.V: M. Noah

I slowly pull into Mike's driveway and park in front of his garage. I tell him that we're here, but he doesn't respond. When I turn to look at him, I see that he's soundlessly sleeping. It's not a long drive from my house to his--only seven minutes, just a little bit longer when traffic is bad--so he's gotta be extremely tired to fall asleep like this. Then again, last night was really long and exhausting, especially for him.

I get out of the car and open his door. I reach over him and unbuckle his seat belt, then scoop him up and carry him to the door. I transfer him to one arm and dig out his house key from his jacket pocket. I flip around the key in my hand until it fits into the keyhole and push it open, then move Mike back into both of my arms.

"Daddy? Is that you?" a young girl's voice asks as footsteps come towards the stairs. I watch as Addie looks down at us through the posts in the banister. "Oh, hi, Pa."

"Hi, Addie. How're you and your sister doing?" I ask as I make my way to the stairs and walk up them.

She shrugs once I can fully see her at the top of the staircase. "It's been rough. Mom won't leave her room, so I had to make dinner and breakfast for Allison and myself. I burnt my hand." She holds up her hand, which is bandaged around the palm, before she shoves both of her hands in her jacket pocket. "Allison is in her room. You can leave Daddy in there to sleep so he's not waking up to immediate screaming."

"Will your sister allow that?" I ask.

"Of course. She's a professional worrier when it comes to Daddy."

I laugh. "Then that must make me the king."

"I have no doubt about it." She reaches up towards Mike and takes out his phone out of his pant pocket. "How much does he trust you? Do you know his phone's pin?"

"Of course I do. We've been friends since we were Allison's age." I chuckle at the thought of what his pin is. "Then again, his pin is pretty obvious to guess, considering your father and all."

"Mhmm." She unlocks her father's phone. "You go tuck your man in. I'll call Vanessa and let her know that he can't make it today."

"Who's Vanessa?"

"Head security guard at the Pizzaplex. They've been close friends since she started working at CB's as a waitress." She puts the phone to her ear. "Don't worry, you're position isn't threatened. The two just act like idiots together before the Pizzaplex opens and help care for Jeremy when his dad is gone again."

She walks away as she starts to talk to Vanessa on the phone, and I find my way to Allison's bedroom.

"Hey, Al," I greet when I see her playing with some of her stuffed animals. "Is it okay if your dad sleeps in here?"

"Oh! Hi, Pa. Sure, he can sleep in here." She chuckles and sets her toys down. "Wise idea to have him sleep in a different room. That way Mom won't be screaming at him the second he wakes up."

"Yeah. That's what your sister had said." I lay Mike down on her bed and pull the blanket over him. "He might have a fever. He was mumbling to himself all night. Last time he did that, he woke up with a 101.4-degree fever. He was sick for days."

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