Not Healthy {Past-Ish}

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Author's Note~

• Swearing
• Manipulation
• Verbal and physical abuse
• Hinting toward physical abuse

None of y'all have ever met this man. He hasn't been introduced yet, so I'm introducing him now because I feel like it. He's an important part of Noah's backstory!

His name is Bǫlverkr Amon Doyle. No, I didn't intentionally make his initials spell "bad." I didn't even notice until I was searching through names for him. Anyway, you pronounce his name "bo-ll-ver-eh-ker." He's Noah's boyfriend.

I think that's all! Enjoy!
This will be a two-part skit.

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P.O.V: M. Noah

I grab my wallet, my cell phone, and my keys off of my bedroom dresser. As soon as everything is safely tucked in my pockets, I leave my room and make my way to the front door. But just before I can grab the handle, Bǫlverkr grabs my wrist with a painful strength. I wince and try to pull my hand back, but his grip remains firm--in fact, his grip grows tighter, making me bite back a cry of pain. Something pops in my wrist, sending a flaring pain throughout my arms. That's not good.

"Where are you going?" he asks irritably.

"J-Just to the mall with a friend," I tell him. "We're going to meet up for lunch, then go window shopping. I-I'll be back at four."

"Which friend?"


"Uh-uh. You're staying here. I don't trust that man."

"Bo, don't do that. Mike has been my friend since I was four years old, and--"

"You dated him in high school."

"We dated for half of a year."

"You still dated him!"

"He's married now. He doesn't like me like that anymore. It's fine. He won't try anything."

"You're still not going."

"Bo, please! He's my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend." He frowns. His grip grows tighter and I whimper painfully, unable to hold it back. I know this situation. There's one right answer to his question--if I get it right, I can leave. If I get it wrong, he'll probably make me stay home for the rest of the week.

"Yes, you're my best friend. Now please let go--you're hurting me!" I exclaim, trying to pull my hand back.

He scoffs and loosens his grip before he gives me my hand back. I pull my hand close to my chest to examine what he did. My wrist is bright red and swollen. It looks a little deformed, too. And it hurts. Terribly.

Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark.

I steal a quick, nervous glance at Bo before I open the door and scurry away. I've gotta hurry or else I'll be late.

** Time Skip **

P.O.V: Michael

I check my phone for what feels like the millionth time in the past hour. Noah wouldn't stand me up... would he? He's been so excited about this every time we've talked. He hasn't sent me a text saying that he'd be late or couldn't make it. So where could he be?

"Michael!" a familiar voice shouts throughout the crowded room.

I look up from my phone, greeted by Noah's smiling face at the entrance of the dining hall. I motion for him to come over here and he obeys, ducking and weaving through the people in the store. But he's not moving as fast as he usually does--probably because he has a cast on his arm that's slowing him down.

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