~• Request Page •~

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Hiya! It's Evan again. This is a safe place where you can give any requests that you may have.  :D

I have a few guidelines, but they're all simple and shouldn't be too hard to follow.

Number One: If you are giving a request, there are two ways to give it to me. You may either put it in the comments, or you may DM it to me here on WattPad. If you've got a small idea that you need me to write most of everything for, comments would be best. If you've got an entire story, DM-ing me would be the wiser choice.

Number Two: If you do give me a whole story, I will most likely go through it and correct any grammar mistakes, punctuation inaccuracies, and spelling errors. Other than that, I will not change anything.  :)

Number Three: No smut, please! A little bit of fluff and cute romance is fine, but nothing beyond kisses, hugs, and cuddles.

While we're on the subject of romance, the only ships that are available are...
• William and Henry, past (after Henry and Mrs. Bishop's divorce) and present
• Michael and Noah, past only
There are no other ships than those two. But if you want to do something where Mary and Mike are getting along for a little while, I'll allow it.

Number Four: If you don't want credit for the skit you requested, let me know! I'll delete your comment (if commented) and say that it was written by someone who wanted to remain anonymous.

Number Five: Constructive criticism only! No trying to put others down for their ideas. Everybody's ideas are good, no matter who wrote it or what it is.

And that's all! Five simple rules. If you need clarification on a rule or have any questions, just ask! Have fun, everyone.  :)

- Evan

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