Unusual Bedtime {Past}

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Author's Note~

• add as I write

This takes place a few weeks after Evan's death, so Mike is still sulky. (I mean, he killed his brother--he has to feel, y'know?)  -w-

William and Mike have just started to get into arguments over Evan's death and all of that jazz. So. Yeah. Mike is a little angry at William because they keep fighting and he won't listen to him, so he's trying to avoid his father. He won't talk to William and he tries to spend as little time around him as he can.

I cried while writing this, so... expect some crying! I don't cry when I typically watch, write, or make something, so this is new to me. The only times I cried were when I watched Finding Dory and Dear Evan Hansen. So... yeah.

Anyways, that's all.

Enjoy! Or not. Because, as I've said in other skits, I don't control you.

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P.O.V: Michael

I'm working on a school project when someone knocks on my door. With a heavy sigh, I stand up and open my bedroom door. 

"Hey," William says timidly.

I slam the door in his face and go back to my desk. Whatever he has to say to me, it can wait. I've got today and tomorrow to finish my project, so I need to work on it as much as I can. I don't have time to fight with him and relive the horrible memories that he dredges up.

The door opens and I slowly turn to face it. William stands awkwardly in the doorway as if he's unsure of what to do. But he looks behind him and motions for someone to come. He steps out of the way and lets Noah come in.

"Thank you, Mr. Afton," Noah says appreciatively.

"No problem," he replies, then leaves the room. He shuts the door behind him.

I turn back and continue to work on my project, ignoring Noah. I don't intend to be rude, but I have stuff that I need to get done. 

"Why are you still awake?" Noah asks as he comes over to me and snatches the pencil from my hand. "You should be sleeping. We have school tomorrow." He puts the pencil away and pulls my chair out from my desk even though I'm still on it. I yelp, surprised, and he laughs. "Sorry. Anyways, what are you still doing up? You should be in bed already."

"I need to work on my project," I tell him, trying to pull myself back to my desk. But he never let go of my chair, apparently, and keeps me from doing so. "Let me go!"

"You need sleep, Mike."

"I don't care! I have a project to finish for school."

"We have two weeks to finish our project!" he exclaims, laughing. "We were just assigned the project last Friday, and since it's so big, Ms. Masa is giving us two weeks. So you're fine. Besides, she partnered us together to do it! She knows that you've been going through a rough time, so she partnered everyone together with certain people that they'll work well with. Don't you remember how she held us back from class so she could tell us?"

"Not really," I mumble. "The last couple of weeks have been hectic."

"Well, that's fine." He picks me up and I scream, surprised.

"Noah, put me down!" I shout angrily.

"Absolutely not! You need sleep." He throws me onto my bed and holds me down by pressing his hands down on my chest when I try to escape. "You're not going anywhere, and there is no possible way that you can bribe me."

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