Journal Entry {Past} <2>

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P.O.V: Michael's Journal Entry
♤Warnings: Blood, death♤♤
!! Part two of Five'O'Clock Shadow !!

[Day, Month], 1987

When the dream starts, I'm watching myself from afar, my head in Foxy's mouth, just like in 1983. But just when he bites down, I'm no longer there. It's Evan in Fredbear's mouth. Blood splatters everywhere. It flows from Fredbear's mouth in a steady stream until I'm suddenly drowning in it. I try to swim up, but I'm too far under.

When all of my energy is gone, I start to fall lower and lower until I'm out of the blood. I fall into a void, then suddenly land hard on a tile floor with the same pattern as the hospital. I try to get up, but I'm paralyzed. Slowly my ability to move returns, coming back in the same order as it did after the Bite of '83, as everyone calls it.

Once I stand up, I'm in front of Terrance's grave. But it morphs into four graves with people I don't know--Elenor, Maxwell, Aster, and Avery. All with the same last name, but the last name is illegible. Then it morphs into Evan's.

Suddenly, I'm being strangled. The characters from Evan's Nightmares--all of them--are surrounding me. Nightmare, Nightmare Fredbear, Nightmarionette, Nightmare Freddy, Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Chica, Nightmare Foxy, Nightmare Balloon Boy, Plushtrap, and the Freddles. They're all there. Just watching me being strangled to death. I try to scream, but instead I end up hacking and coughing.

The strangler drops me. I'm back on the floor, trying to catch my breath. I stand up and turn around to see who nearly killed me, but the person is more of a blob. A transforming blob. One minute, it's Terrance. Then Henry. Evan, except he looks older. Estella, Lavender, TJ, and Analex. Mark. Simon. Frederick. My birth father (How I still remember what he looks like, I don't know). And lastly, it changes into William. He reaches towards me and grabs me by the neck. He throws me across the room, and I scream.

I wake up seconds after.

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