Blizzards and Burns {Past} <2>

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Author's Note~

• Homosexuality
• Willry/Helliam fluff
• Swearing

I wasn't originally going to do a part two for Blizzards and Burns, but I kind of want to now. So here I am!

This took longer to write than expected because I was at summer camp. So-

Again, nothing bad. Just a little fluff.  :D

That's all! Hope you enjoy!

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P.O.V: William

"Are you almost done?" Henry asks from his spot behind me. I swear, he's asked me this so many times in the past five minutes.

"Hen, come on. I'm going as fast as I can go. It was a huge blizzard, and I can only open the door so far."

He groans, and I can hear him slump back in his chair. I can only imagine how much his foot hurts. Honestly, it scared the crap out of me when I heard his screaming and the huge thud when he fell and hit his head. He hit his head hard enough to cut it open--when I found him, the back of his head was bleeding and his foot was still sizzling. I treated him as best I could, but he needs medical treatment. He doesn't seem to have a concussion or anything, but he might need stitches for the back of his head and he needs better care for his foot.

I turn back to face him. Just like I suspected, he's slumped back in his chair. He's messing with the bandages I put on his head to hopefully keep his gash from bleeding.

"Hey!" I shout, trying to get his attention. "Don't mess with them. You're only going to make it worse if you don't stop that."

He groans again. "My head is so sweaty."

"Don't mess with them," I repeat.


"Don't do it." I turn back around, pick up a clump of snow, and form it into a snowball. I go over to Henry.

"Hey, what are you--" he tries to ask, but he's cut off when I put the snow on his burnt foot. He sighs in relief and slumps further in relaxation.

I laugh at his reaction. "I thought you would like that. Now stop your whining and let me work. That way I can get you to the hospital sooner."

"Fine. Go shovel." He pulls his bag off of the table next to him and puts it in his lap. He digs out his sketchbook and pencil before he puts the bag back on the table, then he starts to doodle in his sketchbook as he mutters to himself.

Time skip

"Uncle William!" Charlie's voice cries when she sees me standing in the hallway. Henry's younger sister Laura follows after Charlie, her youngest daughter Mimi Anne in her arms and her second youngest son Edward skipping alongside her. Her two oldest daughters, Olivia and Harley, are talking as they walk behind their mother, and her oldest son Christian keeping an eye on the youngest one--the youngest kid in the whole family--John toddle behind Edward.

I crouch down and give Charlie a hug when she runs into my arms. "Heya, kiddo." I stand up, pulling her into my arms. "Your dad is fine, before you ask. I'll take you to his room."

Charlie giggles and agrees, and I bring her into her father's room.

P.O.V: Henry


I look to the door and smile when I see Charlotte and William standing in the doorway. William sets Charlotte down on the tile floor and she sprints over to the bed I'm in. Somehow, my three-year-old daughter manages to climb onto the bed--which is almost a foot taller than her--and snuggles up against me. Ever since Sammy died, she's been really clingy. I don't mind, though. Personally, I've always been a touchy-feely kind of person. I get it from my mom.

William steps further into the room and stands next to me. "How're you feeling?" he asks, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, thanks to you," I tell him. He laughs as if I'm joking. "I'm serious! You were the one that brought me here, and you know how I am. I don't normally go to the doctor with these kinds of things."

"Okay, okay, fine." He rolls his eyes, but he's smiling. "You're welcome, then."

"How long until you heal, Daddy?" Charlotte asks me, sitting up in my arms.

"Not horribly long. But don't worry about me. You're only three--you don't need to keep your focus on me." I boop her nose and she giggles.

"Oh, shoot!" William exclaims. "I forgot to call home to tell the kids why I'm so late--I'll be right back!" He quickly walks out of the room, and I can't help but laugh. He cares for them so much. It's honestly really adorable how much he loves them.

Laura walks in with Mimi Anne and John in her arms. Edward, Olivia, Harley, and Christian all come in behind her.

"Thanks for bringing Charlotte here, Lala. Sorry I couldn't pick her up myself," I say.

She laughs. "It's no problem, Henhen."

We both laugh at the use of our old nicknames for each other. If Jennifer were here, she'd be rolling her eyes if either of us called her Jenjen, but she'd be laughing, too.

"Well, I should probably get going. I've got two sleepy kids to put to bed." She looks at the children in her arms, then turns back to me. "If you need me to watch over her again, just call." She turns towards the door and looks at me over her shoulder. "See you later, Henry."

"Bye, Laur," I call as she leaves the room.

P.O.V: Michael

I struggle to get Elizabeth's pajama gown over her tiny little head. She won't stay still, which is making my job difficult. William knows a way to get her to stay still when he's changing her, but I don't know what it is. So unfortunately, I can't use it to calm her down.

Suddenly, the phone in William's office starts ringing. Evan, who is watching the television downstairs, shouts to tell me that the phone in the kitchen is ringing.

I sigh exhaustively, then pick up mostly-undressed Beth and make my way into William's office. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Afton home, this is Michael," I say habitually.

"Mike, it's William," he says on the other side. "I'm sorry that I haven't come home yet. We got snowed in with the huge blizzard, and Henry hurt himself bad enough that I needed to take him to the hospital." He laughs, but it's more sad than funny. "Have Elizabeth and Evan been behaving?"

"Evan has. Beth, not so much. She's been really stubborn, enough to the point where she's only got her diaper on right now." I look down at her in my arms. She's busy picking at my fingernail. "They both ate all of their dinner, and I'm about to feed Beth her bottle."

"Sounds good," William agrees. "I'm really sorry that I'm coming so late. I should be back in two or three hours, okay?"

"Okay. I'll see you then." I go to put the phone down on its base, but I put it back to my ear when I hear William say something. "Pardon?"

"Would... Would you be okay with taking his place for a few days while he heals?" he asks. "You don't have to say yes--I was just wondering."

"It's fine. I can do Henry's job for a few days. I don't mind."

"Thanks, Mike. I really appreciate it."

"See you when you get home," I tell him, then hang up the phone. "Come on," I say to Elizabeth. "Let's go get you in your pajamas."

♤ ♤ ♤

The End

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