Accepting the Way Things Are {Past}

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Author's Note~

- Talk about amputated limbs
- Talk about phantom pain
- Burns
- Swearing

This is supposed to be some wholesome thing. It starts dramatic, but it becomes super sweet as it goes on.

This takes place when Noah is nineteen and Michael is eighteen. They've been dating for around ¾ of a year. Michael stays at his family's house as much as he can. Noah lives there with him to keep an eye on him but prefers to be at home.

Quick reminder: Michael lost his leg because of the BO'83. His right leg, just below his knee.

That's all. :D

~ ~ ~

P.O.V: M. Noah

When I walk through the door, I can hear Michael listening to music as he cooks dinner for the two of us. I smile when I hear him singing alone with his favorite song--"Break My Stride" by Matthew Wilder. He has such a good voice. I love it when he sings. I wish he'd sing more often, honestly.

I take my shoes off by the door and walk into the kitchen, sneaking up behind him. I gently wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his cheek. He tenses up at first but quickly relaxes. I chuckle and give him a few more kisses, making his cheeks turn a familiar shade of pink.

"Hi, my love," he greets with a chuckle in his voice. "How was work?"

"Sorta annoying. Jessie Lou was being a pain. She keeps complaining about how badly she wants to meet you," I reply.

"You talk to your coworkers about me?" he asks, surprised.

"Of course! You're the light of my life--how could I not?"

He laughs softly, his face still red. "You're so cheesy. You know that, right?"

I laugh and kiss his cheek again. "You can be cheesy, too, mi príncipe." I pull away from him and ruffle his soft, short hair. "I need to take a shower. Lucie spilled hot coffee all over me earlier and there's some in my hair. I'll be back shortly, okay?"

He nods his head and resumes his cooking. I smile, glad that he looks so happy, and walk away to go take a shower.

**Time Skip**

P.O.V: Michael

I sit down at the dinner table and pull my aching leg close to my chest. This is the first time in a long time that I've struggled with phantom pain. Since the nerves in most of my right leg were "basically disconnected from my brain" after the Bite and my leg was amputated, I rarely experienced any phantom pain. Though there are some occasions when the nerves will just, like, spark back to life and hurt. And when I say hurt, I mean it. It hurts like hell--and it doesn't help that today is one of those days.

Suddenly, the timer for the pasta goes off, making me jump. I stand up and hop on my non-amputated leg to the stove, turn off the timer sitting next to the stove, and grab the pot filled with pasta.

An excruciatingly hot pain flares through my hands. Crap! I forgot to put on oven mitts before I grabbed the handles!

In seconds of panic and pain, I drop the pot. But, immediately realizing my mistake, I try to catch it, not caring about my boiling hands.

I miss.

The boiling, sizzling water spills all over me. It burns my hands, my arms, my chest, my face, my face, and more--practically everywhere. Unable to hold it back, I scream in raw agony and torment. Hopping on one foot, I jump away from the huge puddle of burning water as tears stream from my eyes.

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