Kites in the Sky {Past-ish}

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Author's Note~


I say "past-ish" because it's after all of the Aftons' deaths except Mike's, but Mary and Mike are married and have already had their first kid--whom you are just learning about today. 'Cause, no! Coralyn (Addie) was not their first kid. And it can't be Allison because she's younger than Addie.


The kid's name is EC. (Guess what his initials stand for!  >:3 ) He's a boy and was born three months before Mike and Mary married.

That's all.

~ ~ ~

P.O.V: Michael

"EC! You ready to go?" I call up the stairs. "You've got the kites?"

"Y-Y-Yeah!" he shouts back, his words sticking in his throat as it always does. He's always had a stutter like that, ever since he started to learn how to speak. Just a developmental disorder like Evan used to have when he was EC's age.

EC comes running down the stairs, his feet stomping on the steps. But halfway down, he trips and starts to fall down the stairs. I run up and catch him, and he laughs in my arms.

"You've got to watch where you're going, E. Your mom and I don't want you getting hurt," I tell him.

"O-Ok-kay!" EC exclaims, then fights his way out of my arms. "C-Co-ome o-on, l-le-let's go!"

"We have to wait for your mom. My car needs repairs, so we have to take hers."

He looks at me with a confused expression, as if he's asking why we aren't taking mine. Mary and I have both learned how to read his face since he isn't a big fan of talking. I'm not surprised that he doesn't like talking, though. It makes sense why he doesn't like to.

"My car broke down last week, remember?" I ask him, a small chuckle in my voice. "So we have to take your mom's to get there."

He makes a face of recognition and smiles, then nods his head in understanding.

"Are we all ready?" Mary's voice rings throughout the room as she walks down the stairs. "We've got everything?"

"He's got the kites," I tell her, pointing to our son. "And I've already put your and EC's EpiPens in your purse. And the water bottles are already in the car. Your phone is on the charger, and I've got mine."

"Wise idea to bring the EpiPens," Mary tells me with a small, tired smile.

"Well, both of you are allergic to bees. Bees are everywhere at the park we're going to--we learned that the hard way," I say, a slight laugh in my voice.

She shrugs, then walks off. "You two go get in the car. I'll be right there," she shouts after she walks away.

I look at EC. "You all ready to go?"

He nods his head and runs over to the front door, waiting impatiently for me. I walk over to him and open the door, and he sprints over to his mom's small white car. He climbs into the backseat and is buckled before I even open the front passenger door.

"Someone's excited," I remark, laughing when EC starts rambling about how excited he is and how it's been too long since we've flown kites.

Time skip

P.O.V: E.C.

I open the car door and hop out before Mom even parks the car. I grab the kites and run out into the field, the sweatshirt around my waist flowing out behind me. Before my mom and dad are even out of the car, I'm already working on trying to get my kite in the air. Science is so fascinating. It's my favorite subject in school. How do kites catch the air and just fly up in the sky? Why doesn't the same thing happen with us people? Who invented the kite? What gave him or her the idea of it? There are so many questions, yet I can't figure out how to ask them. I can't form the words to ask my teacher. Besides, she'd probably get annoyed at how many questions I'd be asking her if I could speak normally.

"E, why don't you go up the hill and then run down? That might give you enough momentum to catch the wind," Mom suggests, making me jump. I hadn't heard her sneak up behind me. 

I nod my head with a smile and run up the hill. Once I get to the highest point, I sprint down it with every ounce of speed in me. I feel how the kite starts to pull up on the string, and Daddy starts cheering. He's standing next to Mom, who's clapping her hands proudly. Once I make it to them, I turn and watch the kite fly up high. I let some of the string come off the spindle and it floats higher. Daddy congratulates me and messes up my already-messy hair, and Mom tells me good job.

~ ~ ~

The End

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