Playtime and Glasses {Past}

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Author's Note~

• Swearing

(NOTE FOR ME) When Noah was nine, his mom passed away quickly after she gave birth to the youngest Wright, Julietta. Why can I never remember what age Noah was when Rosalyn died?  xD

This takes place shortly after Elizabeth's death. Michael is still being fostered by the Wright family. He's seventeen, and Noah is eighteen. I know this isn't exactly all that important to you, but they are to me. 

That's all! Enjoy the skit.

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P.O.V: M. Noah

I bang on Julietta's bedroom door, annoyed that Michael won't answer. I asked him if he'd be okay with watching Katie Ann and Julietta while I was gone at work. All of the rest of my family is busy doing something. Kaila is off studying with friends for a big test tomorrow at her medical school. Mikayla Ann is off helping her daughter's school prepare for their annual school musical. Charles and Timothy are out of state, meeting their biological half-sister, whom they discovered a couple of months ago. Alexandrai is at a birthday party for a friend she made at college. And then Sunnimae is at school in Nebraska--she loved it when we lived there, so she found a good college that accepted her after she was out of high school.

"Michael!" I shout, banging on the door again. "Mike, are you in there?"

"Bubba!" Julietta exclaims from inside her bedroom. She opens her bedroom door and gives me a big hug. "You're back!"

I laugh and hug her back. "Did you have fun with Mike and Katie Ann?"

"She sure did," Mike says as he steps out of my little sister's bedroom. "She and Katie Ann were very happy to play dress-up. Have you never done that with them? They were so excited that I was willing to play with them." 

He's wearing something other than what he was wearing before I left. But... I can't tell what. It's too fuzzy--stupid eyesight. My optometrist was right when she said I needed to start wearing my glasses for once. So I guess that means I need to go put them on if I want to see what embarrassing thing my sisters put on my boyfriend. With a heavy, angry groan, I trudge to my bedroom and go over to my right bedside table, then start digging through the top drawer.

"Noah? Is there a reason you dismissed yourself from the conversation?" Mike asks as he comes into my room. There's a hint of laughter in his voice. "What're you looking for?"

"My fucking glasses," I grumble irritably.

He laughs, amused. "You have glasses? Since when?"

"Since sixth grade," Julietta calls from the hallway.

"Why don't you wear them?"

"I don't like them," I reply. "They make me look stupid and they feel weird."

"They feel weird because you never wear them!" he exclaims, laughing. "Do you want some help finding them?"

"Yes, please." I sigh. "Could you check the other bedside table?"


After a few moments of searching, Mike chuckles. "Found them," he tells me. He chuckles again and comes over to me, lifts my chin, and gently pushes them onto my face. My blind-as-a-bat vision clears and sharpens instantly. After taking a few seconds to get adjusted to my surroundings, which are no longer blurry, I'm greeted by Mike's smiling face. "You look good with glasses. You should wear them more often."

"Thanks, but there's no need to lie," I assure him, laughing a little bit. "I look like a nerd."

"You are a nerd."

"Not as much as you are." I gently flick his forehead. "I was at our school because of a partial scholarship for being smart. Then you came along, on a full scholarship for being even smarter--and you still knew more than the teachers from our gifted school!"

"You are so obsessed with that observation."

"It's not just an observation. It's a fact. Analex's dad would say so."

"Yeah, yeah, nobody cares."

"I care." I take a step back and look at what my sisters put him in. "Oh my goodness--Kay and Julietta made you wear my suit from prom?"

His cheeks flush ever so slightly. "Yeah, they did." He laughs nervously. "It looks much better on you than it does on me. You're taller than me and I don't look very good in baggy clothes."

"You look great, Love." I hold his head in my hand and kiss his forehead. "My suit looks good on you. And don't refuse the compliment. You know that I'm right."

He blushes and looks away. "Thanks, Noah."

~ ~ ~

The End

Just a quick, little short skit because I'm bored. Winter break can really drive someone nuts when you have nothing to do for days on end.

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