Unusual Bedtime {Past} <2>

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P.O.V: William

Noah watches me closely, waiting for my response. "Are you... Are you homosexual?" I ask him.

He looks away disappointedly and slowly nods his head. "Yes. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" I laugh and shove my hands in my jeans pockets. "I am, as well. Has Mike never told you that Henry and I are dating?" I laugh when he stares at me with wide, surprised eyes. "I'll take that as a no."

He chuckles sheepishly. "No, he never told me."

"That's odd. Oh, well." I laugh again. 

"So you're okay with the fact that I love your son?" he asks me nervously. "B-Because if you're not, I can leave--"

"No, no, no! It's magnificent," I assure him, still laughing. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Af--I mean William. Thank you, William." He smiles and looks at the door. "I'll help him. If I need anything, I'll shout for you."

"All right," I agree. "I'll be in my office if I don't hear you."

He smiles and nods, then opens the door and goes inside.

P.O.V: M. Noah

When I step into the room and close the door most of the way, I see that Mike hasn't moved an inch. He looks a little pale, though. And he's barely dried off. It's worrying me.

I go over to him and sit down in front of him. I shake his shoulder a little bit, but he doesn't react. "Michael?" I shout.


"Mike, I'm going to change your clothes so you don't get sick. Is that okay?" I ask him.

Still nothing.

"I'm taking that as a yes." I lift his sweatshirt, pull it over his head, and then remove the sleeves from his arms. The shirt he's wearing underneath is just as soaked as the sweatshirt. "Oh, Mike, you really shouldn't have gone outside." I sigh. "I should've gotten you inside faster, too."

I take off his shirt, revealing a wet--but not as soaked--undershirt tank top. But he's got... blood-soaked bandages all over his arms. What the hell? What is this?

Someone knocks on his bedroom door. I turn to it and Henry steps in, wielding a bag of what looks like First Aid things.

"Hey, Noah," he greets kindly. "Can I have Mike to myself for a while? It won't take long."

"Sorry," I say apologetically. "He's in a... weird state right now. But could you tell me about these bandages that he's got?"

He looks at the floor, then closes the door. He comes over and sits down next to me. "I'm not allowed to talk about it. But that's why I'm here. To help him change them. Usually, Evan would but whenever he can't, I do." He chuckles sadly. "And now he's gone, so I have to do it."

"Why can't you tell me about it?"

"Because he told me not to." He frowns. "It's horrible. If I could, I'd tell William in a heartbeat. But he asked me not to, so I won't. "

"Wow," I whisper. "It's that bad?"

"Mmhmm," he admits after a few moments of hesitation. "You might wanna look away. This can get bloody."

"Good idea." I chuckle and turn around, my back to Michael.

Time skip

P.O.V: Michael

"Miiiiiiiiiiiikeeeeeeeey," Noah's distant voice says teasingly. "Mikey." Something--or someone--shakes my shoulders. "Mike. Michael. Michael Afton. Hey. Michael!"

I whine like a child and blink a few times. I look up, greeted by Noah's excited face. 

"You feeling better now? Kind of lost you there for a minute," he says.

I wrap my arms around him and he grunts, not expecting me to do this.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, trying so hard not to cry. But I don't do a good job and tears trickle down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He pushes me away from him and wipes the tears from my eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong. This was all my fault. I'm the one to blame, so please don't fault yourself." He stands up, then reaches to me. I grab his hands and he helps me up onto my feet. I waver for a moment, but he catches me. "Why don't we get you some food and a blanket? Surely, you're cold. I know I am."

Now that he said it, he's right. I am cold. I'm also in different clothes that I put on this morning. That's odd. I don't remember changing my clothes.

"Did you change my clothes? Or did someone else do that?" I ask him, kind of nervous. 

"I did," he says reluctantly, his cheeks turning red. "Henry came in and changed the bandages on your arms, too."

A chill runs down my spine, but not because I'm cold. "He... H-He didn't tell you why, did he?"

Noah shakes his head, frowning. "I asked, but he said he wasn't allowed to talk about it per your instruction."  He takes my hand and pushes my sleeve up to my elbow. "I hope that this"--he points to one of the blood stains on the bandages--"isn't your own doing. If you're hurting yourself, you need to stop. It isn't good for you."

I force my hand out of his grip and pull my sleeve back down. "I would never do this to myself."

"You promise?"

"I promise. It hurts more than you could imagine. Why would I do that to myself?"

He shrugs and looks at the floor. "Because you feel guilty."

P.O.V: William

I came upstairs a couple of minutes ago to check on Michael, and thankfully, he's okay. He's standing up, talking to Noah as I watch through the crack that Noah left. 

"Of course, I feel guilty. But I wouldn't hurt myself because of it," Mike tells Noah with a sad smile. He grabs onto his friend's hand and gives him a more sincere, delightful smile. "Now come on. Let's go get some dinner."

~ ~ ~

The End

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