Unlikely Coincidences <2>

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[add swearing]

Quick note: there's something in this skit that has never been mentioned before in any other skit. If you have questions, feel free to ask them. I'm working on a skit about said new thing.

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P.O.V: M. Noah

I'm watching Allison and Jeremy play the PQ games on the game console when Mike and Addie arrive home. Addie is the first one to come in, but she looks worried when she comes up to me. 

"Something's wrong with Daddy," she warns quietly before she skitters off.

She's right. When Mike walks into the house, he looks like he's trying to keep himself from having a panic attack. He puts the groceries he brought in away, tells Addie to bring in the last few bags, and slumps into a chair in the kitchen. I go into the kitchen and sit down next to him.

"You okay?" I ask softly, taking his hand in mine.

He bangs his head on the table when he slumps over it. "I'm really worried about my son," he mutters.

"Wait, what?" I chuckle. "Why? The police presumed him dead. It's been that way for years."

He shakes his head slowly. "You won't believe me if I tell you."

"Try me."

He sits up, pulls his hand from mine, and drags his legs up to his chest. "He's alive. I know that I sound crazy right now, but he is." He wraps his arms around his legs. "He... He was at the store and saw me in one of the lines at check-out. And he recognized me! H-He actually came up to me and asked what my name was." He sighs. "You know how Helpy and I discovered my birthname?"

"Yeah, of course. You were so happy."

His cheeks tinge with an embarrassed pink. "W-Well, I've been going by it. Michael Song. Mister Song at work with the employees--except for Jeremy and Vanessa, of course." He shakes his head with such force that it looks like it hurts. "I've digressed. I told him that my name is Michael Song, so he didn't think I was his father. But after a while, I asked what his dad's name is because I might be able to contact him." He sniffs and looks away.

"What did he say his dad's name is?"

"Michael Schmidt." A single tear slips down his cheek. "It explains why he looked so much like EC--he is EC!"

"Well, if it is EC, we need to go find him!" I exclaim, standing up so fast that he jumps. "We can't just let him wander the city all alone. As you said, he could be in danger. We have to go help him!"

"You believe me?" he asks, genuinely surprised.

"Of course, I do!" I grab his hands, pull him onto his feet, and kiss him on the forehead. "You go get anything you might need to prove to him that you're his father. I'll tell Jeremy what we're doing so he won't be worried why we're gone and he's suddenly watching over the kids."

"You are the best," he says happily. He kisses me before he tells me, "I love you."

My breath catches in my throat and my face flames. He hasn't said that since before I died. "I love you, too, Mikey," I mumble sweetly, laughing when he blushes. "Do you want another kiss before we split up to do what we need to do?"

His blush deepens and he steps closer to me, then presses his lips into mine. He gently holds my head in his hands, holding me close to him. Moments later, he pulls away with a smile. 

"Let's go find my son," he demands confidently, a wide smile on his face.

Time skip

P.O.V: Michael

I can't breathe. I used to think that my son was dead, just as the police predicted. But now that I know he's been alive all of this time... Gosh, I feel like such a terrible parent! Why didn't I think to look for him? Why did I trust the police? Damn it--I know myself how incompetent they can be when it comes to the missing and deceased! William was presumed missing for three fucking years after he died, all because they refused to look in the Springbonnie suit that he died in. 

"Mike, are you okay?" Noah asks me worriedly. "You're turning blue."

"I am?" I ask as I exhale the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Well, now you're returning to your normal skin tone." He steps closer to me and holds my hand. "Calm down, okay? We'll find him. You're going to scare him away if you're freaking out."

"Sorry," I mumble. "Let's keep looking."

"M-Mister Song?" a familiar voice says behind me.

I turn around--so does Noah--and see the boy from before. "EC!" I exclaim excitedly, flooded with relief. "You're okay!"

He tenses at the mention of his name. "How did you..." His words trail off. "Hey, that's my father's necklace!" he shouts, pointing at my chest. "Where did you get that?!"

I bend down to his height. "It's my necklace. I own it. Do you want to know why?"

"Why?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because I am Michael Schmidt. Well, I used to be. Marilyn and I got divorced, and since I took her last night, I changed it to my birthname."

"My father doesn't know his birthname. Only his adopted one."

"But Helpy and I were able to discover it a month or two ago, and I was able to confirm it with Noah"--I motion to him standing behind me--"and my father's friend."

"What's your father's name and his friend's?"

Noah laughs behind me and I elbow him in the shin.

"William Vincent Afton and Henry Emily," I tell him. "They've been dating since I was in high school."

"And what's the family password?"

I motion for him to come to me and he obeys. I whisper in his ear the family password. He backs away from me, grinning, then wraps me in a tight hug. At first, I think he starts to laugh, but then I quickly realize that he's crying.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he mumbles sadly, his voice wavering.

"I thought the same thing," I tell him as I rub his back in a caring manner. "You don't know how hard that day was for me. Simply coming home from the pharmacy, and instead of coming home to all four of my happy, healthy children"--I swallow when the painful memory starts to resurface--"I came home to three of them." A sob rises in my throat but I bite it back. "And I'm certain that the day and days after that were just as hard for you, too."

"I'm sorry." He sniffs and hugs me tighter. "I should've gotten away faster. I should've protected Addie, Allison, and Max better. I shouldn't have opened the front door. I should've--"

"Stop it," Noah demands sternly. "Don't fall into the temptation of doubt. It's a dangerous rabbit hole to fall. I've fallen, as has your father. Please don't fall, too, okay?"

EC pulls away from me and gives him a small smile. "Okay. I won't."

"You ready to go home for the first time in two years?" I ask, starting to get excited.

"Yes, yes, yes!!" he squeals joyfully, jumping up and down. "I wanna see my siblings! I wanna see my siblings!"

"Michael? E-Evan?" a familiar voice says, turning my insides to ice.

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To be continued...

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