New Normals <3>

50 1 3

Author's Note~

• Mention of death/killing

That's all. This one is the last one!  :D


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P.O.V: Michael

I knock on the door for the Superstar Daycare Pick-Up and open it. I stick my head inside and look around. Two kids are still here, keeping Moondrop busy as he tries to calm them down. Probably so that they won't be hyper before bed once their parents arrive. Jeremy's at the desk, the phone to his ear. By the look of it, it's one of the parents for the kids.

"Hey, Gelatin," I greet once he hangs up the phone. I step into the room, laughing when I see how it takes him a while to realize I'm talking to him.

"Oh, hi!" Jeremy exclaims, turning to me with a smile. "Hey, Benedict." He laughs at the use of HandUnit's stupid names for us. "What're you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back until Monday."

"Just came here to have dinner with the girls and Noah," I tell him. "How many kids were there today?"

"Forty-nine. Sun had his hands full today!"

"Aw, man!" I exclaim, laughing. "That's the most we've gotten in a while."

"Yeah, I'm certain that the twins are going to enjoy their free time tonight. Especially Sun." Jeremy laughs. "I know I would!"

"No kidding!" One of the kids--this small, blue-eyed, interracial girl in a purple dress comes over to me, asking when her mom is coming. I bend down on one knee to be eye level with her. "Soon, sweetheart." I point to Jeremy. "Mr. Fitzgerald over there has already called your mom. She'll be here soon, okay?"

"Okay!" she exclaims, then runs back over to Moon, making conversation with him as he picks up the other kid.

"How's your dad?" I ask Jeremy, turning my attention back to him. "He doing well?"

"Yeah, he's good. He's gonna go on another work trip soon. Next week, actually."

"Well, your room is open back at my place when you need it." I go over to him and ruffle his short, pale brown hair. "When he leaves, just call me and I'll come pick you up from your place."

He groans. "Why did I have to die at fifteen? Why couldn't Mangle just wait one more year so I could get my stupid license?"

"I know, bud. It sucks." I muss his hair again. "Glitchtrap hasn't been messing with you lately, has he? Vanessa said he's been screwing around with her. She rarely leaves her security office because of him."

"No, he's been good. Hasn't tried controlling me for almost two weeks now. It's been nice." He chuckles.

"Well, at least you're not having any trouble. It's worse when he's controlling you 'cause you're with all of these children all day."

"Ain't that the truth."

I sigh and give him a smile. "Well, I should be heading home. It's been a long day. Call me when you need me to pick you up, all right?"

"Okay," he agrees. "See you later."

I start to walk away. "Bye, Jeremy."

P.O.V: M. Noah

I get out of my car and look to the front of the building. I move closer to the front of the buidling, my car behind me rather than in front. I stand there for a few minutes, then Michael finally comes into view. Once he sees me, he laughs.

"What're you doing? I told you that I would be back in a few minutes," Mike says, laughter filling his voice. "Were you getting worried?"

I chuckle, a little embarrassed. "Kind of."

"Well, I'm fine," he assures me. He looks beside me to see into the car. He chuckles softly, probably because Addie is already asleep. "Did you..." His words trail off as he looks back to me. "Did you actually want to kiss me earlier? Or was I just jumping to conclusions again?"

I can't help but laugh again. "No. No, you were right. I did want to kiss you."

It's hard to tell because it's dark and his back is to the bright lights of the Pizzaplex, but it looks like he's blushing a little. He's smiling, too. He suddenly reaches up and holds my head in his hands, and soon we're lip-to-lip. He's kissing me. Holy crap, he's kissing me.

Before I can react, he pulls away.

"There's that kiss you wanted," Mike says with a smile. Then he walks away and I can hear him get into my car.

P.O.V: Coralyn (Addie)

I'm woken up by the sound of Allison's squealing and loud chatter. I slowly open my eyes and rub the drowsiness out of them.

"What's going on?" I grumble, annoyed that I was awakened.

"Daddy just kissed Pa!" Allison exclaims, jumping up and down in her seat with sheer excitement. "For no reason, he just did it! You missed it, unfortunately."

"It wasn't for no reason," Daddy says. "Your pa wanted a kiss earlier, so I was giving it to him." He turns back around in his seat, no longer facing Al and me.

♤ ♤ ♤

The End

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