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Author's Note~

• Swearing
• Parental Ignorance
• Autistic "Meltdown"
• Suicidal Ideation

Have you read "A Night of Bad Memories?" If not, you might want to read it before you read this skit. If so, do you remember how I mentioned that Jeremy is autistic? His autism is based on my own. All of the traits I have, he shares them with me. It makes it easier to write. His stories as an autistic person are based on my own. DISCLAIMER: ALL OF JEREMY'S STORIES ARE NOT THE SAME AS MINE. He has his tales to tell. A lot of them are similar to my own, but they're not the same.

Jeremy was tested for autism when he was four years old. But, even though the results said otherwise, his parents believed that he wasn't autistic. They refused to accept his "issues." They thought that he was making it all up. As a result of their unacceptance, they refused to make the accommodations he needed and still needs. He had to learn at a young age how to make said accommodations and help himself. Three years after he was diagnosed, when he was in school, he had a kid in his class with an AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) device. This kid was autistic, too, and he was completely nonverbal. Jeremy, on the other hand, is verbal with nonverbal episodes. When he discovered that he could get an AAC device of his own, he started saving up his allowance and birthday money to get one. When he turned thirteen, he finally had enough money and bought one.

Jeremy's father utterly despises the AAC device, even though it assists Jeremy quite frequently. As mentioned in "A Night of Bad Memories," when Vanessa went to pick up Jeremy to be cared for before his father left for a work trip, Jeremy was nonverbal. He hadn't slept the night before from a mix of insomnia and overstimulation, and because of that, it resulted in him being nonverbal. (Quite a common scenario for me, personally.) Once he got up in the morning, he took his AAC device out of his closet so he could use it. Once he finally found clothes that were comfortable and wouldn't overstimulate him anymore, he went to the kitchen to start his morning routine by eating breakfast. Just the sight of the AAC device in his hands set his father off.

Just before Vanessa arrived to pick up Jeremy to bring him to Mike's house, Mr. Fitzgerald took away the AAC device after the two boys had a huge fight. When Vanessa arrived and knocked on the front door, Jeremy greeted her as usual. But this time, he had tears streaming from his eyes and was trying to not fall apart.

Neither of them knows what Mr. Fitzgerald did to the AAC device while he was gone.

This is what happened when Mr. Fitzgerald returned and Jeremy went home.

A quick note before we start--as I said earlier, Jeremy's autism is based on my own! I don't know if this is a sign of autism or something else that could be wrong with me, but I have multiple voices in my head. I have my main train of thought, but then I have three others. Jeremy won't have as much as I do. He only has his thoughts and then "the bad," as I call them. ("The bad" is named Ajuki for me, but Jeremy didn't name his.) "The bad" thoughts will be underlined.

One other note: Jeremy is allergic to strawberries.

That's all!


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P.O.V: Jeremy

I'm watching one of my favorite YouTubers on my tablet play my favorite video game--for, what? The thousandth time?--when Vanessa waves her hand in front of my screen. I pull my right earbud out and string the wire on top of my ear so I can hear her.

"Your dad is here, kiddo," she tells me. "Is all of your stuff packed up?"

I sigh. "Yeah, it's packed." I close out of YouTube and turn off my tablet. I don't want to go home. What will my dad say about everything that happened last week the day he left? More importantly, what did he do with my AAC device? It took so long to save my allowance to buy it! I don't want to buy a new one. I love the one that I have. Sure, it's a little childish, but it's the best one I could find for cheap.

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