Unacceptable <2>

49 1 0

Author's Note~

- Panic attack
- Swearing

Quick thing - POVs and signals of my notes will be underlined from here on out! That way it's more noticeable and it doesn't screw around with my brain.  :P

Also, do any of you know KOTLC? (Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger!) It's a book series. If you do, there's a KOTLC reference in this skit! Shows up pretty early... will any of you find it? Just like with the Helluva Boss reference, there will be a prize if you know it and/or find it! If you find it, comment on the paragraph where it is and DM me that you found it. Good luck!

One other small thing--there is a new character introduced in this skit! I've never introduced him before. So just keep that in mind!

Now, onto the second part of this skit, we go!

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P.O.V: M. Noah

When I go downstairs after having showered, I'm greeted by the sound of Addie and Allison's worried whispering. They're sitting on the couch, huddled together, Addie hugging her little sister.

"Addie? Allison? What's wrong?" I ask, coming up behind them. "Did something happen?"

Addie points to the kitchen, which doesn't answer my question. So, with a chuckle, I go into the kitchen. Michael and Jeremy are there, discussing something. Michael looks apprehensive and nervous. When he hears me enter the room, he slowly lifts his phone from the table and presses something.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out, opening the text notification Michael sent me.

Call Ethan. He's Jeremy's older brother. Tell him that it's a "Code J-ST/U." He'll know what it is. Ethan "Fitzroy" Fitzgerald: (435) 555-3235

Jeremy has an older brother? I didn't know that. Oh, well. I enter the phone number into the dial area of my phone, then call the number as I leave the room. I listen to the ringing tone for about twenty seconds before the call is answered.

"This is Ethan Fitzgerald," a sorta-young voice answers on the other line.

"Um, hello," I greet sheepishly. "I'm, uh... I'm a friend of Michael Afton." Gosh, it's so weird using his old last name. But most people recognize him by Afton or Schmidt, so I guess it's safer to use those when talking to someone that I don't know. "Your brother, Jeremy, is here. I think something's going on between the two of them because Mike told me to tell you that it's a 'Code J-ST/U.'"

"Shit," he grumbles. "Tell Mike that I'll be there soon. Thanks for calling, stranger." And he hangs up the phone.

Well, that was fast. Didn't even question if I was lying or if I was pretending to be someone I'm not. He must really trust the world. I don't know how he does it.

I send a quick text to Michael: Ethan's on his way here.

Good, he replies.

I step back into the kitchen and sit at the table. Listening to the conversation, it sounds like Jeremy's going through a rough mental patch and Michael's trying to talk him down. He's not doing very well, though. Though I doubt that if I were to try, I'd fail. That's probably why he had me call Ethan. That way he can stay with Jeremy to keep him safe until his brother arrives.

Twenty minutes later, somebody knocks on the front door. Michael breathes a sigh of relief and calmly says, "Come on, Jere. Let's go see who that is, okay?"

Jeremy starts to tremble before he falls to the tiled floor. His breathing quickens and his shaking gets worse as he starts to scratch at his neck. He closes his eyes and rests his knees on his head.

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