Falling Back Into Old Habits {Past-Ish}

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Author's Note~

• Alcohol
• Alcoholism
• Drunkenness
• Mention of abuse
• Swearing

This is going to be a dramatic skit.
That's the only real warning that you need.

This takes place shortly after Maxwell's death. Y'all haven't met him, so here's an explanation!

Maxwell was Marilyn and Michael's second child. Unlike the rest of his siblings, he was aware of his father's alcoholism and addiction to smoking cigarettes.

A few weeks after Allison's fourth birthday passed, Michael took Max and Al to the Pizzaplex with him to work per their request. Allison hung around at the Daycare as Max wandered around, playing arcade games and hanging around at Fazerblast. But the only reason Mike went to work that day was because of a huge fight he had with Marilyn that morning and had to get away. The minute he got to work, he started drinking.

Around 7 PM, Maxwell started getting bored and went to find his father so they could all go home. But when he found him, he found Michael in his office, drunkenly talking to himself about how stupid he is that his main coping mechanism is drinking alcohol and how he keeps finding himself drunk when he should've stopped.

Maxwell started freaking out, worried about how they were going to get home. Michael assured him that everything would be perfectly fine. But once they were on the road, he realized how terribly he was driving after Max and Allison started panicking, crying, and shouting at him to stop.

There was a huge crash. It killed both Maxwell and Allison.

At that time, Addie was the only child left. And that fact pissed Marilyn off, so she and Mike almost constantly got into fights.

That's all for the explanation.

~ ~ ~

P.O.V: M. Noah

Getting a call late at night from Addie using her home's landline was weird. Being informed that Michael and Marilyn got into a huge fight and Mike "fell back" again was scary. And now it feels like this stupid light refuses to turn green! I've gotta get to Mike's. Addie is depending on me, and I need to make sure that Michael is okay.

Finally, the light turns green and I have to stop myself from speeding to the turn into Michael's neighborhood. I guess it's a good thing that Mike has two houses--the one he shares with Mary and the one he never put on the market after he married her.

A few turns later, I pull into Mike's driveway. I rush out of my car and go up to the front door, then bang on it relentlessly.

"Fuck off, Marilyn!" Michael shouts from inside. He sounds drunk. Addie wasn't kidding.

"It's Noah," I shout back.

"Go away! Just leave me alone."

"You're not getting rid of me that easy!"

He doesn't respond. So I open the door, step inside, and lock the door behind me. I walk through the living room and find him in the kitchen, slumped in a chair, draped over the kitchen table. In one hand he holds an empty bottle of beer and the other holds an unlit cigarette that he never got to lighting, it seems. There are two cracked and shattered bottles on the floor and two other empty bottles on the table. Also on the table sits his pack of cigarettes and a... small knife with what looks like some kind of sauce on it.

"Why... Why are you here?" Michael moans irritably. He hiccups. "Just leave me alone, damn it." He waves me off, but the sight of a red mark on his wrist sends a chill down my spine.

My head spins and I crash to the ground. 

P.O.V: Michael

A big thud rings throughout my house and I snap up. Shit! I forgot about my wrist. I didn't think that it was still bleeding.

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