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Author's Note~


That's it! No warnings. This is just going to be a funny little thing as an ending for "Middle of the Night." It's not an actual second part, per se, but... I don't know. It's hard to explain. It's not an actual second part to the "Middle of the Night" skit, but the background, setting, and mood kind of says otherwise.

Actually, you know what - this will be a part of "Middle of the Night." :/

But I won't label the title.

Little note: If you haven't read "Middle of the Night," that's fine. 👌 You don't need to for understanding of what's happening in this skit. If you'd like to read that skit first, go straight ahead!! But I will not force you. If you don't want to, that is perfectly okay.



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P.O.V: M. Noah

A light banter goes back and forth between Mike, Addie, Allison, and me at the table as we all eat. I had made lunch for them to eat before they go back home to Marilyn. As of the moment, Mike is rambling to Addie about something wrong she'd done as he explains why she shouldn't do that anymore. He hasn't even taken a single bite of his food.

"Mike!" I exclaim, laughter filling my voice. "I think she gets it. Eat your food."

Mike stops talking and glares at me unhappily. He still hasn't technically forgiven Elizabeth and me for coming up with the plan to scoop him, back when I was the only soul that possessed Ennard. Now we're all just a heap of souls in the mess of wires we call Molten Freddy since most of the parts of... us... are from Funtime Freddy's endoskeleton. Either way, Mike hasn't forgiven the two of us. But, fortunately, he obeys and takes a bite of food.

Allison starts talking about a funny incident when someone at the store saw her in her angel form. But she's interrupted when Mike whimpers and covers his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Addie, Al, and I all ask in unison. We look at each other and laugh a little, then turn our attention back to Mike.

Without swallowing his food, his shields the view of his mouth. "It's really spicy!" He chews his food a little more and swallows it, then instantly grabs his water glass and takes a big, long sip. He downs all of it and slams the cup on the table, making Allison jump.

"That makes no sense," I mutter. I've always known that he doesn't care for spicy foods. So whenever I make something with a lot of heat, I always leave the spicy spices out of his food if he's present. Why is his so spicy? "Did you grab the right plate? I had told you to grab the closest one to refrigerator."

Mike's eyes widen in realization and laughs. "Well, that's where I went wrong. I thought you had said toaster, not refrigerator."

"Mine isn't spicy," Addie says. Both of the girls got their mom's love for the hot foods. "Do you want mine, Daddy?"

"Yes, please," Mike says, still laughing, and gives his plate to Addie before taking hers. He eats a bite of the new plate and smiles. Once he's done, he laughs. "Much better."

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