Sinbound {Past}

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Author's Note~

• Swearing
• Mention of murder
• Drama, drama, drama

I can't keep writing this cutesy stuff forever. I'm not good at it! I'm better at writing the overly dramatic bullshit--in my opinion, at least. If you guys like the cutesy stuff, I'll keep writing it, but I'll need more ideas. I'm not the best at coming up with the sappy stuff.

Either way, it's pretty evident that this story will be chock-full of drama. I will try my hardest to keep it short, though, and I'll come up with a happy ending. How's that sound?

(Spoiler alert after reading it myself to do any edits before posting: I failed miserably at keeping it short.)

So, yeah. :/

Little note! Mike was the one who controlled Evan's Fredbear plush. As in he did the talking. Mike had a small speaker, a tiny mic, and a mini camera he made installed inside of Fredbear. And connected to the microphone/camera was a screen that recorded all that it saw and heard, along with a small microphone that was connected to the speaker.

That's all! :D


~ ~ ~

P.O.V: M. Noah

"Mike?" I call, knocking on his bedroom door. He rarely leaves his room--unless he's at school--since Evan died. He barely even opens his door anymore. "Mike, William's asking for you."

Nothing comes from him for a minute or two. But just as I'm about to knock on his door again, it opens. He stands in the doorway, staring at the floor. He doesn't say anything, doesn't move. Just stands there.

"Hi," I say quietly.

He looks up at me with wide eyes. "Hi."

"Are you... going to go see him?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs halfheartedly. "I've gotta talk to him eventually. I can't hide forever."

"I thought you already talked to him?"

"I did."

"Then why are you still hiding?"

He shrugs again and wraps his arms around himself. "I just get nervous, I guess. I did kind of kill his youngest son, you know? I just feel guilty."

"I understand that." I hold my arms out. "You want a hug?"

He stares at me for a moment, making his choice. Then he runs into my arms and soaks up the comfort.

"Thanks," he mumbles into my shoulder.

"No problem."

P.O.V: William

A few knocks on my door startle me out of my working stupor. I turn around in my swivel chair, not surprised to see Noah standing in the doorway.

"Look who I convinced to come out of his bedroom," Noah says with a smile. He steps to the side.

Michael hesitantly takes Noah's place. He stares at me nervously, but he's here. He actually listened for once. He turns to Noah, his expression asking if he should stay, and Noah nods his head before he walks off. Mike turns back to me, no longer staring into my soul.

"Hey, " I greet quietly. "It's nice to see you. You haven't come downstairs in days."

"Yeah, I-I'm... I'm sorry about that," he mumbles guiltily. "Did you need something?"

"Yes. Yes, actually, I did. Come here." I motion for him to come stand next to me before I turn back to my desk. "I was cleaning Evan's room, and I found something with your name on it. In Evan's handwriting."

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