Bee Stings {Past}

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Author's Note~

• Bee stings + allergy
• Swearing

I am taking a break from New Normals.  :D
And I am here with a skit from when William and Henry were children. Just when they were, like, six or something. Who cares about their ages at the time--the only thing that matters is that they're children.  xD

William is the youngest of three--five years younger than his sister, Lillith; seven years younger than his brother, Vincent.
(Which means that Lillith is around age eleven and Vincent is around age thirteen.)

William's father, Oliver, is dead and Vivianna (his mother) has already remarried with Jamison.

*Note that I've never mentioned anything like this before, so this is the first time that you're hearing this information.*

Skit inspired by "Bumblebees Are Out" by Jack Stauber.  :D
Watch my YouTube video based off of this skit! I'll put the link to it at the end.

Onto the skit!

I hope you enjoy it.  :3

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P.O.V: William

I duck behind the couch, covering my mouth with my free hand to stifle my laughter. I can feel it bubbling up my throat, and if I laugh, Vincent will find me and probably win the game. We've already beaten Lillith--she's never been the best at the toy gun games--but I've always struggled to beat him. Dang, why did I have to be the youngest of three? Especially when I'm five years behind the middle child!

"Will, where are you?" Vince calls. I can hear him coming down the stairs by the front door--that's a problem. I'd thought he'd go down the stairs by the kitchen since that's where he normally goes. He always kills me off since he takes me by surprise. But I think I can make this work.

I peek out from behind the couch to see where he is. He's just turning the corner from the stairway into the living room. He stops by the wall and peers out behind it, only showing his head, with his gun scanning the room.

"You know that I will find you eventually, right?" Vincent tells me. "I can always find you. I know your main hiding places."

I duck behind the couch again, and this time, I can't help but laugh. I can practically hear Vince's head whipping around towards my noisemaking. His footsteps come closer and closer, so I decide now is the time. I jump up and try to shoot him three times, but miss every hit. He tries to shoot me twice, but I duck back behind the couch and he misses, too. I jump up again and shoot two more times. I miss the first time but hit him square in the chest the next. I've won! I've actually won!

A loud crash spoils my good mood. Vincent and I both look towards the sound to find that one of Mum's vases is broken. I come out from behind the couch and slowly make my way towards the shattered vase, the shards making a mess on the pristine rug.

"Crap," Vincent mutters. "Mum's going to be mad. What should we tell her, Will?"

I turn to him, baffled. "Why are you asking me? You're normally the one who breaks things! This is my first time doing something wrong. Sure, it was an accident, but still. This is my very first time!"

"I don't know, lit'l brother." He sighs. "I'll go get the broomstick. Stay right here. I won't be long, all right?"

I nod my head and he walks away, back around the corner and up the stairs. I look at the old-timey-ish vase. If it's kind of old-timey, why does Mum still like it? She's had this thing forever, but I've seen copies of it in the vintage store she likes to go to.

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