Middle of the Night

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Author's Note~

• Swearing
• Mention of divorce
• Fighting parents
• Hinting towards abuse (?)

I dOn'T kNoW wHaT tO pUt FoR tHe WaRnInGs-
So I'm sorry that they're kind of weird.  :/

Ahaha- We already know that Mary and Mike fight a lot. Ehe- Well, you should know if you've read all of the previous skits. If you haven't... *insert me shrugging* I'd put an empty threat here, but I don't feel like it. If you feel like you should read the other parts--especially Broken Glass--go ahead. If you don't want to, I won't force you.  -v-

Often in the middle night, Coralyn/Addie will be woken up because Allison will come into her room, crying. Allison hates it when their parents fight, so she often relies on Addie to comfort her if she can't get into Mike and Mary's room. (If she does get into their bedroom, she just clings on to whoever is closest to the door.)

That's all!  :D

This story is dramatic, but I'm trying to think of a cute, slightly good ending than a horrible one. We'll see what happens as I write it!

~ ~ ~

P.O.V: Coralyn (Addie)

The sounds of crying, screaming, and stomping pull me out of sleep. I wasn't sleeping as heavily as I normally do, but I'm not surprised. Mom and Daddy have been fighting since early this morning. Their loud arguing was what woke me up and got me out of bed this morning.

"Addie?" Allison's soft voice mumbles. I sit up, surprised to see that she's not sitting next to me. Instead, she's standing by the door. "Are you awake?"

"Yes," I grumble unhappily as I rub the drowsiness from my eyes. "Why are you over there and not snuggling next to me?" I ask her as kindly as I can.

"I want to go in their room," she replies sadly. "But when I did, Daddy picked me up andl brought me in here." She turns towards me. Tears are slipping down her cheeks. "He had that face again, the one he gets when he's trying to hide that she hurt him again."

"Oh, Al," I mutter sadly when she starts to sob. She's too young to have to deal with this every day of her life. She's only four! "Come here."

She's hesitant, but she comes to me. I help her climb onto my bed, and she snuggles up next to me. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, and she seems to relax almost instantly.

Al doesn't know how truly bad Mom and Daddy's relationship is. She couldn't know. She wasn't here when things between them first started to crumble. Their relationship was already bad when I was born, but it wasn't until I was three that they started to fight in front of me. I had already known what Mom does to Daddy when she's unhappy, and I heard every night when they fought. But they always hid it from me. Always had until a few weeks right before Mom got pregnant with Allison.

A particularly loud scream from Daddy--muffled enough to where you couldn't tell what he was saying--made Al and I both jump, startled. They haven't gotten that loud before in a long time.

"We gotta go check on 'em!" Al tells me, rushing to her feet. "Come on, Addie!"

Without giving her permission, Allison grabs me by the hand and drags me to our parents' bedroom. She stands on her tippy-toes and opens the door handle, then rushes inside, me stumbling over my feet behind her as she pulls me along. She drops my hand the instant she changes direction to run over to our father, and I stay back to survey the scene.

Mom is pissed. You can see it in the fury in her eyes and the scrunch between her eyebrows. Her teeth grind together as she glares cruelly at my little sister.

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