Queen and His Princess {Past}

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Author's Note~

• *none*

This is after Mrs. Bishop and Henry's divorce and after Sammy's death. Henry hasn't bought his new house, so he still lives with the Aftons.  :)

That's all. Enjoy!

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P.O.V: Henry

Charlotte continously pulls on my sleeve, repeating the same words over and over. "Come on, Daddy, I need someone to be my queen!"

"I'm almost done, Charlotte! I'm almost done, I promise. Beth will not be happy if I don't give her bottle to her soon."

"Why can't Uncle William do that? She's his daughter!"

"Charlotte Samantha," I warn, then pull her tiny hands off of my sleeve. "It won't take me long. Go upstairs and get ready. I'll be up there soon, okay?"

"Fine," she grumbles, then storms off.

I sigh and get back to preparing Elizabeth's bottle. Once I finish, I give it to her and go upstairs. She learned a while ago how to drink something herself, no help from anyone required. Every once in a while, she'll look for William or Michael or me to hold her bottle when she's tired, but that's it. No help required.

"Yay!" Charlotte exclaims excitedly the instant I step into her bedroom. "Can you wear a dress this time? Please!"

I laugh and sit down on the cool wooden floor. "Why on earth do you want me to wear a dress so bad just for make-believe?"

"Because queens wear dresses!"

"And knights wear armor, but I don't see you wearing any silver on your tiny little body," I counter jokingly.

"Whatever," she grumbles as she rolls her eyes. "Just put it on!" She points to the edge of her bed, where a long magenta dress is draped over the soft blankets.

"Did you take that from our old house after your mom and I divorced?"

"Uh-huh! I thought it was pretty and I was hoping to grow into it."

"Aww, you're so adorable." I chuckle. "Fine. I'll put on the dress. I'll be right back."

Time skip

P.O.V: Evan

I'm watching cartoons when there's a thud and Beth screams. I rush to her, but when I'm almost at her side, I trip over something and fall on my shoulder. I sit up with a groan and look to see what I tripped on.

Mike is on the floor in a crumpled heap, unconscious and barely breathing.

"Gah!" I scoot away from my brother, not expecting to see what I'm seeing. "DAD!" I scream at the top of my lungs, then stand up.

Dad comes rushing down the stairs and sighs when he sees Mike on the floor. "Did you see him eat anything today?"

I shake my head slowly. "No, I didn't. Henry might've had him eat something, though."

"Well, if he passed out, it wasn't enough," he mumbles, then lifts him up. "He's going to kill himself if he doesn't eat anything."

"He's been getting better, Will," Henry says, coming up behind him. "He ate three times today. But he hasn't slept well the last few days, barely slept at all. That's prob'ly why." He steps in front of him and takes Michael from his arms.

Dad starts laughing. First, it's just a small bit. But then it grows and grows until Henry finally asks, "What's so funny?"

"You're in a bloody dress!" he shouts, still laughing. "What made you want to wear a dress today?"

"I was playing Royal Family with Charlotte, and I'm always the queen," he explains with a smile. "She took a dress from Doc before we left because she wanted to grow into it."

"Why wasn't she the queen?" I ask him.

"She likes to be the knight." He chuckles. "That leaves me to be the queen, by her decision."

Dad cracks up and covers his mouth to stifle his laughter. "That's just... Wow."

Henry elbows him in the gut and I laugh. "Well, I try to keep my daughter happy."

"Hey, I do, too!" he exclaims offendedly. "Work keeps me busy, but I still devote time to my children." His smile falters a little bit when he looks at Michael. "Well, I try to. Michael is... a tough nut to crack, I guess."

Henry shifts Michael in his arms so he can rest his hand on Dad's shoulder. "You'll get there. He's had a hard life, so it doesn't surprise me that he's sorta closed off."

He sighs. "I know. It hurts a little, though, knowing that I'm his father and he trusts you more than he trusts me."

"It'll be okay."

"You look so fucking stupid in a dress," he says jokingly.

Henry shrugs with a smug smile. "I think I look pretty good. Fits me pretty well, don't 'cha think, Willy?"

"My name isn't Willy!"

Henry laughs, and I do, too.

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The end

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