Runaway {Past} <2>

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P.O.V: William 

I watch from my perch in the shadows as Noah brings Michael inside. They give each other a hug and Noah leaves as Mike says goodbye. Then my son sighs and starts to climb up the stairs.

"Where were you?" I ask him when he makes it to the top.

"Holy crap!" Mike stumbles backward, afraid. "W-William!" he says nervously. "What are you doing up? You should be sleeping."

"I could ask you the same thing."


"Where were you?"

He sighs and looks away. "A-At Noah's."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about."

"I think it is if you ditched the house at lightning speed, sobbing uncontrollably."

He tenses up, his eyes wide. "Y-You saw that?"

"Uh, yeah. I was in my office working when you booked it outta here."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

"It's nothing. I just... overreacted to something." He turns on his heel and walks off. "Good night."

"Michael, wait!"

He pauses before he turns back around. "Do you need something?"

"You've been going to Noah's a lot, huh? Is it because of all of the disagreements we've been having? Because if it is, I'm sorry. I've been trying to not get so upset all of the time. Work has just been... stressful, you know? Henry and I keep finding stuff on the springlocks in the backup springlock suits, and it looks like blood. We're just worried that someone is getting hurt because it's not from Henry or me."

His eyes widen ever-so-slightly, then he looks away and stares at the floor with an irritated expression. "Yeah." He sighs, then chuckles. "I've noticed how you've been trying to not argue with me. Thank you. But, no matter how much I want it to last, it's not going to." He turns around and leaves.

P.O.V: Evan

I hear Michael's footsteps come up the last flight of stairs. He goes into his room and I follow him, closing the door behind us. He jumps at the noise and whips around to see me.

"Oh. I thought you were William," he mumbles. "Can't sleep again?"

"As always." I hold up the paper I found on his desk earlier. "Would you like to explain why Simon, Matt, and the other one gave this to you?"

His eyes widen at the sight of the tiny letter and he rushes to me to take it from me. But, just like I've done a hundred times, I manage to keep it away from him.

"Please tell me you didn't read it."

"I did read it."

He gasps and backs up, then drags his hands down his face.

"Calm down," I tell him, laughing a tiny bit. "I don't understand what they're telling you. That's why I asked for an explanation."

"Firstly, his name is Mark. Not Matt." He sighs. "They're planning a prank," he answers after a moment of hesitation.

"A prank? What do you mean, a prank?"

"Exactly what I said. They're planning to prank you. But... it's not something harmless thing."

Time skip

Mikey explained to me everything that he was told. And somehow, I managed to convince him that everything will be okay. But he's got that face, the one he makes when something is bothering him.

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