Security Cameras <2>

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P.O.V: Gregory

"Bad news, you two," Mike says, returning to Glamrock Bonnie and me. "I have to leave early. That was my friend. One of my daughters got hurt, but my friend couldn't treat her. He's on his way to pick me up." He turns to me. "After I help my daughter, do you want to have dinner with us? You've got to be starving after all of our hard work today."

I gasp quietly, surprised by the question. "Really? You'd be okay with that?"

He grins. "Yeah, of course! I talk about you a lot at home. I'm certain the girls would love to meet you." He starts cleaning up his tools and repair supplies. Then he stands up, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. "We'll see you later, okay, Bonnie?"


Mike nods his head in response and looks at me. "Come on, kiddo. We've gotta go meet my friend out front."

"'Kay," I agree quietly.

He walks over to the door and holds it open. I run over to him and step out. He walks out, closes the door behind him, and tells me to follow him. I do as he says and we soon arrive at the front of the building.

"I have to call Mr. Fitzgerald in the Daycare and let him know that I'm leaving early. You stay here, okay? I'll be right back," Mike says. "If you need me, just climb over the Entry Pass booth counters and go into the office behind it."

I nod my head. He smiles and walks off. Unsure of what to do, I sit on the floor. I open the cameras on my Fazwatch and zoom in on myself. I look horrible. My shirt is stained, dirty, and torn in some places. My shorts are just as bad. My hair is oily and matted, and there's gum in it. I look disgusting. I feel--and look--gross.

A Black man with dyed-red hair and mismatched eyes walks through to main doors. He looks around nervously, then his eyes settle on me. I turn the watch screen off and look up at him.

"Are you Gregory?" the man asks with a smile. I know my head slowly, kind of hesitant. "Do you know where Michael is?"

"I'm right here."

I turn and watch as Mike pushes open one of the turnstiles and walks through it. He holds open his arms and the man rushes into them. The man hugs him tightly, and Mike hugs him back. 

I stand up and go over to Mike. "Is this the friend you were talking about?"

The man pulls away from the hug and gives Mike a little kiss on the nose. Mike blushes a little bit and steps back. The man laughs and hugs him again. 

Mike pulls away a few moments later. "Yes, Gregory. This is my friend, Noah. He's the one who watches over my kids when I'm here at work."

"It's great to finally meet you, Gregory," Noah greets with a wide smile. "Mike talks about you a lot."

"It's nice to meet you, too," I say quietly, kind of nervous. I don't really talk to people other than Mike. And even then, I haven't seen him in weeks.

"Where are the girls?" Mike asks Noah. "Are they in the car?"

"They're at home," Noah answers. "Addie didn't want to get blood all over my car or risk me passing out." Mike's expression seems to conflict between different emotions, and Noah starts to laugh nervously. He backs away a tiny bit, his hands up in surrender. "P-Please don't get mad! It wasn't my decision. I had already passed out earlier, and both of them didn't want it to happen again as I was driving. It was all their choice."

"I know, I just..." Mike sighs and his shoulders slump. "I hate leaving them home alone."

"I know you do." He chuckles. "Come on. Let's go home, help Addie, and get some dinner."

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