Unlikely Coincidences <3>

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Note that this takes place before "A Night of Bad Memories."

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P.O.V: M. Noah

I pull Michael onto his feet and pull him behind me. I try to do the same thing with EC, but he stands his ground, unintimidated. Mike holds my hand with all of his strength. It hurts. But I don't mind. He hates his father, and I don't blame them. After the Bites of '83 and '87, they couldn't get along. William wouldn't believe anything Michael said, which resulted in problem after problem after problem. I was so happy when William died months later--Michael had finally acted like his usual self again, even when he had to care for Elizabeth all on his own after Henry died.

"Evan, what are you doing here? Why are you with your brother--the one that killed you?" William asks bitterly. Michael's hand shifts and his grip tightens on my arm. He's shaking ever-so-slightly.

"I don't even know who you are!" EC claims irritably.

"How do you not know your own father?"

"You're not my father. He is!" He points to Michael, who hides behind me.

"Your brother is not your father!"

"He's not my brother."

"Yes, he is!"

"No, he's not!"

"Shut up!" Michael shouts, stepping out from behind me. "William, this is my son, EC. I know that he looks a lot like my brother, but he isn't CC. He's my firstborn son." He grabs EC by the wrist, but he immediately yanks his hand back when his son whimpers painfully.

"What's wrong?" Mike and I ask in unison as William walks off, bulldozing into Michael in the process.

"N-Nothing. I just hurt my arm when I was trying to get away," he mumbles. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." He turns to Mike. "Why did you and Mom get divorced?"

Mike looks at the ground. I wrap my arm around his shoulder, trying to be comforting. "That's not important," Mike answers. "All you need to know is that she was terrible."

"Are you and Noah dating now?"

"Not exactly." His face reddens. "It's complicated. But I'll let you know when we are."

"When? Not if?" EC looks both confused and curious.

"As he said, it's complicated. You can ask your sisters when we all get home, all right?" I tell him, laughing.

"Okay!" He's excited, but it quickly fades into confusion. "Wait. Sisters? What about Max?"

Michael steps out from under my arm.

"Hey," I say quietly as I intertwine my hand in his. "Don't worry. I'll talk to him about... that. Okay? You won't have to even think about it."

"I already am thinking about it!" he exclaims.

"I'm sorry," EC mumbles. He approaches Mike slowly and hugs him. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Mike smiles. "It's all right, bud." He rests his hand on EC's shoulder. "Come on. Let's go home."

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The End

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