New Normals

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Author's Note~

• Hinting towards abuse
• Mention of abusive relationship

This takes event AFTER Mike and Mary's divorce.  :D
I just couldn't wait to make a skit after their divorce. 

Little spoiler: this skit ends off really dramatic. Well, kind of dramatic. But in part two--which I am already working on!--will be a happier ending. I promise!

That's really all.

I hope you enjoy the skit!

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P.O.V: Michael

"Addie! Allison! Breakfast's ready!" I call upstairs as I put their plates of food on the table.

"I don't want breakfast," Allison calls from upstairs. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh, yes, you are. I made cinnamon roll pancakes."

Addie and Allison come running down the stairs at full speed, and I can't help but laugh. I may suck at cooking, but I never seem to fail at making cinnamon roll pancakes. Besides, it's a food both of the girls like.

As soon as the girls eat their breakfasts and go back upstairs, I start to prepare some tea and pancakes for myself. I don't really drink coffee anymore because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But just as I'm about the pour the hot water into my mug, someone's strong arms wrap around my neck. In a flurry of panic, I accidentally drop the boiling water and it splashes all over me. Ignoring the sizzling burns now all over my hands and cheek, I fight out of the person's grip and run to my phone. Swiveling on my feet, I face the person and shout, "Touch me again and I'll call the poli..." My words trail off when I who it was.

Noah stands there, eyes wide in bewilderment and surprise.

"Oh, jeez. Noah, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to--oh, gosh, I'm sorry!" I exclaim guiltily. "Are you okay? Y-You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine, Mikey," he assures me. "But are you okay? I greet you like that all of the time and you've never done that before."

I ignore his question and inspect him for any injuries he might be lying about. His cheek is bruised and a little swollen--I must have hit him in the face when I was trying to get away. But other than that, he's perfectly fine. I go over to the freezer and get an ice pack. The cold instantly soothes my flaming hands, enough to the point where I have to bite back a sigh of relief, and it's tempting to keep it for myself. But I force myself to give it to Noah.

"No, you have it. You're burnt--I'm just sore." He takes it from my hands and puts it on my cheek. Just like before, the relief is instantaneous. This time, I can't bite back my sigh. Noah laughs at my reaction and presses the flopping corners onto my face. "You hold it now. I'll get the First Aid kit so I can help treat them."

"No, don't. That's not necessary," I tell him, but he presses my hands onto the ice pack, gives me a sad smile, and leaves the kitchen. He comes back a few minutes later with the First Aid bag in his hand and Addie trailing behind him.

"Daddy, what happened?" Addie asks me, rushing to my side. "How are you not screaming? Don't the burns hurt?"

I shrug. "Yeah, but it's not as bad as it was when Henry burnt down the Pizza Place."

"Oh. That actually makes a lot of sense," she mumbles. 

Noah pulls out a chair from the dinner table and brings it over to the counter. He tells me to sit down as he sets the First Aid kit on the counter. He takes out the contents he needs, then repeats himself. I reluctantly obey and sit down as Addie pulls herself onto the counter to help. Noah starts to treat my burns, and I start to space out. 

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