C.2 Flame The Lizard

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It's 06:56PM right now and Jake is finally awake, the room is dark with the only light coming in is from the moon outside or the light in the living room.

He checked his phone to check anything and right on time a notification popped up from his sister.

"Hey where are you staying up for the night? I wanna go there and visit."

"I think we should meet in a public place instead." He texted back.

"How about the Art District? The hospital is not far from that area and it's a good place to just hang out."

"Sure, i'll ask my ride." He closed his phone and stand up from the bed. Holding his head while trying to turn on the light and close the curtain.

🎵 Play "Travis Scott - No Bystanders" (Author's note, in my story i add these tiny little cues to play certain music. You don't have to play it, it's just there to set a mood.)

He stepped outside his own room trying to search where Flame is. While doing so he heard him yelling "Fuck the club up!" From his own room.

Jake was scared of the things he is saying from his room and thinks that he's indeed a crazy person.

He walked to his room and peeked in through the open door. It turns out he was just singing a song while playing a game on his computer.

He entered the room and Flame looked back.

He took off his headphones, "oH Hey Jake, i'm listening to some Travis Scott wHile playing some game."

"I don't really care about what you're listening to right now." Jake said with a casual tone.

"oH well, wHat do you want? If you wanna eat we could go out and buy sometHing."

"No i'm not hungry. I wanna meet with my sister at the Art District."

"aH i see, well let me finisH another round first." Flame put his headphones back and continued playing.

07:12 PM now and they both ready to go to the art district, Flame locked the door and Jake hopped into the van.

Now they're driving to the Art District.

The road from the neighborhood to the North Market city is quite dark with only some street lights lighting the place, even some of the road only have reflective stickers instead of street lights. Just an empty road with a single van.

"Art District is a big place, wHere exactly are you gonna meet your sister?"

"She said we gonna meet up at a coffee shop called AstroSteam.

"aH i remember tHat place, me and some Homeless people would sing to get money tHere. even tHo im not tHe best singer, it's very fun."

Jake raised his eyebrow. "Why are you singing with homeless people."

"HaHa, must've used too many drugs and did tHe weirdest sHit, i'm surprised people even gave me money wHen i sang, now i got more money to buy the weirdest sHit to consume in my body."

"Isn't that dangerous tho?"

"well, i do believe its dangerous but doing it is also my way of coping you know. just cHill the stress out!"

Jake looked out the Van window to see the pitch black darkness outside and thinks to himself, "This guy is indeed crazy but atleast he's nice enough to get me to Art District tho. Maybe he's not that bad?"

After 10 minutes the streets became lighter as we reached the city. Buildings standing tall left and right providing light to the people walking. People walking from work to home or even home to work based on their jobs. The highway filled with lights moving left and right.

They take an exit and went to the Art District located in the south east of the city.

Jake is texting his sister on where is the location of the cafe:

*Shares location*

"Alright there's the place. I be waiting for you."

"Great, we will be there in about 3 minutes."

"We? Are you bringing a friend?"

"It's the Flame guy i talked about yesterday, he's the one driving."

"Ah! You know what, tell him to join in our table alright! I wanna talk to him to see what's up."

"Alright then we will."

"Okay cya in the flesh lil bro love ya!"

-3 minutes later-

Flame made it to the front door of the cafe first and hold the door for Jake to enter. They entered the cafe and the temperature changed from the cold dark night to a warm bright cafe. The orange lights are setting that tone too, the table are empty except for some few people on their laptop. A live band is performing that Pink Floyd's Us And Them. Jake's sister is waving at them on where she sit. "Hey you two! Over here!"

They both walked to the left of the room where she is sitting.

Jake's sister stands up and hug his little brother. "Ahhhh, i miss you so much Jakey! Glad you actually came here!"

"Me too." Jake replied while giving a hug back.

Flame kinda just stands there smiling seeing them.

"Alright come on sit down."

Both of them sit down across the table from where she's sitting.

"Do you guys want to buy something? It's all on me!"

"No thank you, it's been a while huh. How's working in the hospital here?" Jake starts a conversation

"Well, it works the same as home but it's more hotter and there's no you here."

"Ah so you must've really missed me then." Jake smiles.

"Of course i doooo." She reached her hand to pet Jake.

"Haha don't pet me near a stranger please." Jake looked away to hide his smile.

"Oh yeah the stranger! I'm actually here to tell you something."

Jake and Flame listened in closely.

"You know how i said you gonna stay at my place Jake? Well i'm sorry but that won't be happening. I volunteer to use my apartment room as a place where my co workers can sleep, it's near the hospital so people won't drive far to get to the hospital."

"What? Then where should i stay?" Jake asked with a surprised face.

Jake's sister turns her attention to Flame, "Your name is Flame right?"

"yes ma'am."

"Well i seen you hold the door for Jake earlier and you seem very nice so i think i will trust you."

She looked at his little brother Jake again. "So Jake, i want you to stay with him alright. And hey i would give him my numbers to see if anything bad happened yeah?"

"What? Him?" Jake doesn't agree with that plan.

"Come on Jakey you should start trusting people again. I'm sorry for what happened to you and dad but i feel like Flame is a nice person so you should stay with him okay?" She smiled.

"yeaH dude don't worry about me!" Flame smiled as well.

"Fine then, i'll give you a chance..." Jake looked away.

"Great! Now you two should go home now, i don't want you guys to drive to that empty highway road late at night. Cya lil bro."

"Alright then cya." Jake leaves first leaving his sister and Flame alone.

"glad to meet you Jake's sister!" Flame shakes her hand.

"Yeah me too, here's my number okay. Jake have some anger issues so i want you to take care of him alright?"

"i got it, i won't let you down!"

"That's great to hear now stay safe!"

30 May 22

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